Next Step Forward.

Nov 18, 2014 16:33

Thanks to everyone for your support and advice last week. It made me remember that I am not crazy for freaking out about things like this. I did kind of feel like a drama queen and even though Sis and The BFF were like, “No, this is a terrible thing,” I thought maybe I might seem bent for being all, “No, my dad and I can’t go to the same clinic ( Read more... )

worrying walrus, my girls, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, art blahblahblahing, real life, emotional waxing, douchebags, sister oh sister

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Comments 10

vikingprincess November 18 2014, 23:49:23 UTC
I love you, babe. Do what's best for you. *hugs*


dodger_sister November 23 2014, 20:52:46 UTC
Aww, I love you too, bb! I had my first appt back at PT on Friday. I had to remember to breath for the first ten minutes or so, but then it got better. I do wish I didn't have to see Dad on Thanksgiving, just so I had more time to calm down about it all. I know he doesn't mean to be the way he is - (well the giant bigot part he means but not the crazy completely unaware part) - but just because it's not on purpose doesn't make it any easier for me to deal with.


vikingprincess November 23 2014, 21:30:06 UTC
Makes perfect sense to me - I'm glad it's mostly working so far, though. Like, SUPER glad!


lizibabes November 19 2014, 01:55:04 UTC
I'm sorry I didn't see your post before. I would have sent all the hugs. It makes total sense for you not to want your dad at your clinic. PT is hard enough with out that added stress. You are not a drama queen, in fact it sounds like your dealing with a shitty situation really well.
K is an awesome asshole. I hope he looks out for you.

Stress painting sounds like a good way of letting out all your feelings.
If you need to talk quickly just message me on tumblr. and if I don't answer quickly send me an ask, pocking me to look at my messages (Ask sends me an email notification, where as messages I have to check to see if I have any) But yeah, here if you need to chat, or vent, or anything.


dodger_sister November 23 2014, 21:00:24 UTC
I told my little brother what was going on with Dad at the PT clinic and he was like, "Why does that bother you? You have some lingering childhood issues." And I was like, "Oh really, what if Mom volunteered at the same soup kitchen as you?" and he was like, "What? That's not even funny! Don't say that." So I guess we all have different issues with different parents in this family.

K is an awesome asshole. I hope he looks out for you.

He is looking out for me. He made them rearrange his schedule so he could keep me on his service instead of handing me off to someone else. He told the receptionist it was for 'consistency in treatment' but it was really to keep me from having a panic attack at PT.

Stress painting sounds like a good way of letting out all your feelings.

It really is - it always calms me down. I literally painted a pictured based off a Samifer poem and the whole thing is just flames and ash and blood swirling together under the dark sky and it felt <>I>great to get it out.

But yeah, here if you need to chat, ( ... )


lizibabes November 23 2014, 23:36:08 UTC
You think he'd get why you don't want your dad at PT, In your space. Like he wouldn't want your mom in his space. Families can be really tough. My parents and brother are awesome, but the rest? Ugh. No thanks.

Panic attacks are so rough, I hope having K there can stop you having to go through that. It's not like PT is easy as it is, with out adding to it. It's hard on your body, you need all the mental energy you have for that.

That painting sounds really cool, almost apocalyptic

Should be sending your pressie this week. Bit early, but I want to send all my long distance stuff before my surgery, in case it takes a while for me to recover.

Hugs <3


lindahoyland November 19 2014, 03:48:33 UTC


dodger_sister November 23 2014, 21:01:00 UTC
/hugs back/ Thanks, darling.


denig37 November 20 2014, 17:46:45 UTC
You do know what this post does to me, right?



dodger_sister November 23 2014, 21:14:13 UTC
You do know what this post does to me, right? *FANGIRLS SO HARD OVER K!!!*

Not even a little surprised, bb! You are so easy to please. ;)


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