Next Step Forward.

Nov 18, 2014 16:33

Thanks to everyone for your support and advice last week. It made me remember that I am not crazy for freaking out about things like this. I did kind of feel like a drama queen and even though Sis and The BFF were like, “No, this is a terrible thing,” I thought maybe I might seem bent for being all, “No, my dad and I can’t go to the same clinic!” I know there are parents out there that if you said to them, “This is a little weird and uncomfortable for me. That’s the same place I go,” - they would be like, “Oh, that hadn’t even occurred to me, I’ll look into one of their other locations, no problem, honey.” But not my parents.

I was suppose to see my counselor today, but she rescheduled for tomorrow as her mother is ill. But I was already up and dressed, so I thought, “Fuck it,” and called PT to see if K could squeeze me in. He couldn’t, but then they wanted to put me with his PTA - whom I like, but I can barely stand the thought of going in there and I need somebody I am more comfortable with. Or like if my anxiety spikes, I could say to K, “You know what…let’s call it a day,” and he wouldn’t make a big deal of it. I didn’t want to explain why I can’t work with someone else right now, so I just said I’d get back to them. They called me back 15 minutes later to say K said he’d stay late on Friday to work with me. Fuck, he can be such a jackass sometimes, but I really love that guy.

Actually, I was meant to go to PT the day after I found out about my dad going there and I called to ask K if I’d be working with him. But I was on Baseball Guy’s schedule, who I like, but whom I’ve never worked with before. So I said, “I have to cancel then,” and K was all, “What, why?” and then I told him a quick version of what was up and that I thought I could make it through the appt if I was working with him and he was all, “Wait, why me?” like an idiot. At the end of the conversation, I said, “Make sure BG knows it’s not him or anything,” and K said, “I’m gonna tell him it’s all because of him,” and I said, “Thanks, asshole,” and he said, “No problem, babe.” Which oddly made me feel better.

Anyways, still haven’t made any plans for a long-term solution there, but am slowly calming down and trying to move on to other things. And also painting. Lots of stress painting.

worrying walrus, my girls, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, art blahblahblahing, real life, emotional waxing, douchebags, sister oh sister

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