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Comments 12

ceitfianna July 6 2014, 21:10:00 UTC
That sounds like a wonderful Fourth and smaller can be wonderful. We didn't have any parties here just some friends over to watch the fireworks from our deck. I had a visit to NYC to see one of my oldest friends that was great though horribly hot. The storm that hit here cleared off the worst of the heat but its slowly starting to come back.


dodger_sister July 13 2014, 20:22:52 UTC
That sounds like a wonderful Fourth and smaller can be wonderful. We didn't have any parties here just some friends over to watch the fireworks from our deck.

Smaller is better in my family, just because the larger the crowd, the longer people stay. You know, sometimes our family things can last for like 8 hours of insanity., This year we are doing smaller weekend cookouts with just one or two people every weekend and I like that better.

Oh, watching the fireworks from your deck sounds lovely! When I was a teenager, living with my mom at her old house, we could see the fireworks from the front porch. My brother's friends would come over and they would climb up on the roof and watch from there.

The weather here is okay now - 80s but a little bit muggy, but not stifling. Did the heat ever drop off for you?


ceitfianna July 13 2014, 20:28:05 UTC
It did clear off since we had a lot of rain though its creeping back up again.

Decks are the best, my parents built a lot of them into their house so they could hear and see the ocean. The one we watched the fireworks from is like a widow's walk all the way at the top of the house. The top railing is the highest a building can be built in this area. We could see fireworks all the way around us because its popular to buy and set off fireworks here.


vikingprincess July 6 2014, 21:36:18 UTC
Sounds like you had an awesome time - I'm looking forward to seeing the superhero art, too!


dodger_sister July 13 2014, 20:25:12 UTC
I did have a really good 4th, thank you! I have got to stop bing lazy and get that superhero art posted!!


lindahoyland July 7 2014, 02:21:06 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday.


dodger_sister July 13 2014, 20:27:45 UTC
I did have a very good holiday, thank you! How has your summer been?


lindahoyland July 13 2014, 20:59:14 UTC
I don't go away but I had a nice day at the sea and enjoy strolling round my local area. Harry has given me much joy this summer.


dodger_sister July 13 2014, 21:04:46 UTC
I had a nice day at the sea and enjoy strolling round my local area.

That sounds like just the perfect level of fun!

Harry has given me much joy this summer.

He is a daring kitten! People underestimate the joy a new furry loved one can bring. It can make you feel lighter inside. <3s


matchboximpala July 7 2014, 04:30:23 UTC
I am having this crazy summer where I am traveling every other week (vacations and work conferences). So far: Barcelona, Rome, Denver, South Lake Tahoe, Vegas. Next up: Costa Rica, Portland, and Seattle. But when I am home I am too busy catching up with work and my life is completely boring. I did nothing this weekend except work, do laundry, clean house, and pack. Oh, and work on some of the story art due later this month.

You sound like you are doing better. I am glad you had a lovely weekend with your family.


dodger_sister July 13 2014, 20:37:05 UTC
I am having this crazy summer where I am traveling every other week (vacations and work conferences). So far: Barcelona, Rome, Denver, South Lake Tahoe, Vegas. Next up: Costa Rica, Portland, and Seattle.

OMG, woman, slow down. You're making me tired just reading this. Was the Vegas trip for a con? I'm glad at least some of that is for fun vacation time! I know you are on vacation with your niece right now too - hope that is still going well!

You sound like you are doing better. I am glad you had a lovely weekend with your family.

I am doing better, thank you - new anxiety meds and warmer weather and no more dizziness or coughing all really adds up! It's been a pretty good summer so far, but man am I exhausted!


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