Summer Days, Drifting Away!

Jul 06, 2014 14:19

So I didn’t put up a 4th of July post, because I was very busy celebrating, but I hope you all had good holidays/Fridays!

It has been a crazy few weeks here. Last weekend I had lunch with my friend C and her daughter on Saturday and then later, my youngest cousin (by which I mean 26 years old), the big gamer in the family, came over with some new strategy board games for us to play. My sister is a strategist and my cousin has spent his whole life determined to beat her at something - I think it’s only happened once. Haunted House On The Hill (I think was the title?) was pretty good - my sister liked it the best because you can betray the other players. I liked Smash Up, which was kind of like War but with more strategy. I highly recommend you check them out if you are a tabletop gamer. My cousin apparently heard about them from Wil Wheaton’s youtube channel.

Then I spent all week working on The Nephew’s art piece of his superhero team and the accompanying story. I started them last fall, right before I got sick with bronchitis and finally, finally, they are finished!!! I am so happy about it! I took pictures, so I can post them here.

This weekend, hiyacynth and Co arrived Thursday night and my sister got The Nephew on Friday morning. When I woke up on Friday, The Nephew and Munchy P (hiyacynth’s 3 year old boy) were playing in the big wading pool together. They were having so much fun! We had a smaller 4th of July cookout this year than usual. It was me, Sis, The BFF, The Nephew, my mom, her dog, hiyacynth, her geek husband, her boy, BFF’s dad, her brother, sis-in-law and their 11 month old boy. Much less than the 40 people we usually have, but actually much nicer that way. The BFF’s nephew is the cutest thing ever, omg! He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen and super long eyelashes and curly hobbity hair and is all smiles for everyone, all the time! The BFF’s brother and Fam live in Australia so this is probably the only time I’ll get a chance to see her nephew until he’s like, at least, a teenager, so I’m really glad they came!

The Nephew was pretty good when Munchy P was playing with him, but when P got tired and went inside for some down time, TN was super jealous that all us adults were sitting around talking and not paying him any attention. Especially The BFF, who usually gives him her undivided attention, but instead had family here. So after the cookout, we played a game of Clue with him, to give him some time with us. Then he got his special surprise - he especially approved of the superhero version I drew of him. Then we all put on a crazy amount of glow sticks and turned off the lights and watched The Lego Movie in the dark.

The next day, while I was still asleep, they took the kids to the family pool area here in town and TN learned how to swim! He also went down the big water slide and was really proud of himself for doing it! After I got up, the girls took The BFF home and I played video games with TN and then another game of Clue - (I finally won, which is good, since he kicked my butt at the video games) - before his dad came for him. Then I spent about an hour playing on the IPad and coloring Spiderman pictures with Munchy P - (downloaded some new toddler games for him to try) - and talking about comics and Marvel with Geek Husband. After that I was pretty wiped and just spent the rest of the night chillin’ and talking with the girls.

Now the houseguests have all gone and my sister has banished me to my room while she cleans up. And, despite how wiped I am right now, I actually made it through this weekend without fainting or getting overly dizzy or just plain having to crawl into bed and miss out. That, itself, makes me happy. Plus, all the above listed awesomeness!

How have your summers been going?

the nephew, sick n tired, munchy p is delicious, my girls, the bff is my bestest best friend, happy-face, family circus, video games are for cool people now, art blahblahblahing, lego movie - everything is awesome, comics were always for cool people, real life, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, sister oh sister

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