Today’s Things Come In Threes.

Apr 16, 2013 20:08

1. DUDES. ranua went to Planet Comicon and while she was waiting in line to meet Adam Baldwin, she snuck a photo of him and sent it to me. Like a real photo! Of Adam Baldwin! Who I basically have crushed on since like age 14 after just hearing his voice. And now I have a photo of him propped up on my bookcase! I would have slept with it on my ( Read more... )

shawn and gus bffl, psych is my summer squee, the nephew, shawn spencer is my baby-daddy, my girls, henry is my favorite tv dad, convention crack, brainzzzz, adam baldwin in uniform makes me lust, tv show blahblahblahing, cats are squishy fun!, real life, dream in which...

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Comments 13

denig37 April 17 2013, 02:24:09 UTC
LOL, zombie Babrbie head, I love how that doesn't surprise me one bit :-D

Poor Nephew :-( Hopefully he will get well soon, tell him I send him warm hugs (with gummy bears, there always have to be gummy bears) :-)


dodger_sister April 19 2013, 00:47:38 UTC
LOL, zombie Babrbie head, I love how that doesn't surprise me one bit :-D

LOL It didn't surprise me that much either, that someone made them or that someone saw them and thought, "Dodger needs one!" Apparently the vendor had done zombie Barbie arms and legs turned into earrings as well, but I don't have pierced ears, so she sent me a head to hang in my room. When I get the hookup for my phone-to-computer I'll take a picture!

Poor Nephew :-( Hopefully he will get well soon, tell him I send him warm hugs (with gummy bears, there always have to be gummy bears) :-)

Hmmm, gummi bears as a cure for throwing up. Man, if that worked, it would be awesome 'medicine'. I talked to the little man today and he sounded all better.


denig37 April 19 2013, 03:30:50 UTC
It's so weird to me that you don't have pierced ears, here we get ears of girls pierced while they are babies (which I personally am happy about TBH), parents can decide about it in the hospital and the docs will do it.


dodger_sister April 20 2013, 19:08:18 UTC
It's so weird to me that you don't have pierced ears, here we get ears of girls pierced while they are babies (which I personally am happy about TBH), parents can decide about it in the hospital and the docs will do it.

Well, there are lots of pierced ears here, and some babies have them as well (though they don't offer that service in the hospital!) but it seems to be a general thing that girls get their ears pierced between like 11 and 16 over here. If you're under 18, you must have a parent with you - which was funny when I took my little brother to get his done and I flashed my ID and told them I was his legal guardian, which I was not, and they did it. But I think most adult woman probably have their ears pierced these days - it used to be a big deal, but now even having your belly button pierced isn't a big deal anymore. I got my ears pierced when I was, uh, 10 maybe 11 and I had them for two or three years but they kept getting infected for some reason, so I just gave it up. But then I was like 13 and punk rock and not in ( ... )


vikingprincess April 17 2013, 11:39:06 UTC
Yay picture and visit! I tried Psych a couple of times, though, and never did get into it. I mean, I liked it, but I didn't seek it out. Still, that's a neat moment.


dodger_sister April 19 2013, 00:51:52 UTC
I am very excited about my ridiculous Adam Baldwin picture. Clearly, if I get that jazzed over a sneaky candid (or maybe, that someone thought of me in the middle of getting to meet Adam Baldwin) I can only imagine what would happen if I ever met him myself.

It was so long ago that I can't even remember what made us start watching Psych, but I've been in it from the beginning. That said, it really is one of those shows that you don't have to know that much about and you can just watch it when you catch it and have literally no trouble following what is going on. I watch it in reruns all the time and the only way I can even guess what season (because every episode is so very similar) is by Juliet's hair.

We just watched this week's episode and Juliet asked Shawn to move out! My heart is on overload from that. /clutches Shawn to my bosom, my little woobie/


vikingprincess April 20 2013, 04:10:05 UTC
I think it's hilarious that hairstyle can pinpoint a season that exactly!


dodger_sister April 20 2013, 19:40:07 UTC
I think it's hilarious that hairstyle can pinpoint a season that exactly!

LOL Well, there are a couple seasons where her hair is the same but then you just look at how much salt'n'pepper Lassie has going on and you can tell which season you're in that way. (or, you can look at the kid actors in the flashbacks because the little boys kept getting growth spurts and had to be recast).

Also, Friends, that was a show that you could tell by the girls hairstyles. If not Rachel's, then Monica's. Yep.


ranua April 23 2013, 01:55:51 UTC
I'm so glad you liked your con gifts :D I just couldn't resist. (also, I fixed the link to my twitter, I always forget to add the 02 after my name)

I tried watching Psych, but it just didn't hold my attention very well. I adore the premise and the characters, especially Shawn and Lassiter, but for whatever reason it didn't click for me and that bums me out.

Boo for The Nephew being sick. (tho I'm sure he's fine now since it's taking me forever with my flist currently :p) I'm finally over a bout of the crud myself. Yay you got to see him at least for a little bit tho.


dodger_sister April 28 2013, 23:37:21 UTC
I'm so glad you liked your con gifts

I totally did, babe! The zombie head is hanging from my overhead fan cord in my room and Adam Baldwin is propped up on my bookcase. If I can ever bear to take him down, he'll end up with my personal conventions photos! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

also, I fixed the link to my twitter,

I saw the girl!Cas. It was a pretty good outfit.

I tried watching Psych, but it just didn't hold my attention very well. I adore the premise and the characters, especially Shawn and Lassiter, but for whatever reason it didn't click for me and that bums me out.

I love all the characters so much, but the thing about Psych is that it is really over-the-top and ridiculous, and if that isn't your sense of humor, it's not going to click. But it's too bad you couldn't stick with it cuz I could totally see you becoming as Lassiter-fangirl all the way. ;)

Boo for The Nephew being sick. (tho I'm sure he's fine nowHe got better, yes, and I haven't heard about him being sick again. I hope it was just a one day thing because ( ... )


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