Today’s Things Come In Threes.

Apr 16, 2013 20:08

1. DUDES. ranua went to Planet Comicon and while she was waiting in line to meet Adam Baldwin, she snuck a photo of him and sent it to me. Like a real photo! Of Adam Baldwin! Who I basically have crushed on since like age 14 after just hearing his voice. And now I have a photo of him propped up on my bookcase! I would have slept with it on my ( Read more... )

shawn and gus bffl, psych is my summer squee, the nephew, shawn spencer is my baby-daddy, my girls, henry is my favorite tv dad, convention crack, brainzzzz, adam baldwin in uniform makes me lust, tv show blahblahblahing, cats are squishy fun!, real life, dream in which...

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dodger_sister April 28 2013, 23:37:21 UTC
I'm so glad you liked your con gifts

I totally did, babe! The zombie head is hanging from my overhead fan cord in my room and Adam Baldwin is propped up on my bookcase. If I can ever bear to take him down, he'll end up with my personal conventions photos! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

also, I fixed the link to my twitter,

I saw the girl!Cas. It was a pretty good outfit.

I tried watching Psych, but it just didn't hold my attention very well. I adore the premise and the characters, especially Shawn and Lassiter, but for whatever reason it didn't click for me and that bums me out.

I love all the characters so much, but the thing about Psych is that it is really over-the-top and ridiculous, and if that isn't your sense of humor, it's not going to click. But it's too bad you couldn't stick with it cuz I could totally see you becoming as Lassiter-fangirl all the way. ;)

Boo for The Nephew being sick. (tho I'm sure he's fine now

He got better, yes, and I haven't heard about him being sick again. I hope it was just a one day thing because my brother reminded me of how very similar it was to something that he had wrong himself as a kid that ended him in the hospital, that I was very cautiously waiting to see if the throwing up happened to The Nephew again. Anyways, he seems to be doing well now and he'll be turning 7 on the 13th - SEVEN! What even is happening, how can he be seven?


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