Just getting this in under the cut! Last month's word count. Last month I worked on a few things; more of my Leverage Apartment AU - (which is shaping up to be a lot longer and way more involved than my original idea was when I started writing it!) - my Johanna/Annie Hunger Games fic - (whoo, it's finally finished, after months of letting it sit
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Comments 6
I... didn't write anything but episode commentaries over Spring Break. Boo.
Thank you, babe! I am happy with this completing one WIP a month thing. I was aiming for ten of my WIPs to be checked off by the end of the year and I think I might actually do that. (of course, how many new WIPs will I have started by then? eep.)
I didn't write anything but episode commentaries over Spring Break. Boo.
I'm sorry to hear that - I know you had Plans. Spring break just isn't long enough to wash your brain of that school nonsense and then clean it out for writing space. You know? Why isn't Fanfic Writer a career?!
That would be an AWESOME career. Then again, I do think my writing has improved so much over the last eight years or so that WRITER might end up being my second career. Well, that and FARMER. At least on a small scale!
Ugh, it sucks when your muse just disappears on you. Especially now that you have less stress and more time. Maybe you just need to find that one new fandomy thing that makes you so happy and gets your gears turning? I'll be rooting for you, because naturally I want MORE fics from you. :)
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