Ficage in February, 2013.

Mar 30, 2013 21:55

Just getting this in under the cut! Last month's word count. Last month I worked on a few things; more of my Leverage Apartment AU - (which is shaping up to be a lot longer and way more involved than my original idea was when I started writing it!) - my Johanna/Annie Hunger Games fic - (whoo, it's finally finished, after months of letting it sit) - and one little piece of crack based on a smartass remark from my sister about Legolas that highly amused us both. That’s one more WIP checked off my list! All in all, a pretty good month.

Here is my approximate word count for the month.

February, 2013
Week One: 1,250 words of Johanna/Annie fic.
Week Two: 1,100 words of Leverage AU fic.
Week Three: 1,050 words of Leverage AU fic.
Week Four: 250 words of LOTR Crack fic. Completed.
2,400 words of Johanna/Annie fic. Completed.

6,050 words written in February!

The Best Valentine's Day Ever
Dean wants to buy something special for someone special for Valentine’s Day. First he needs to figure out what to buy, where to get the money and which special classmate to give it to. - Weechester!AU. This is one of those stories that came flowing out of me. I had a general idea for the fic and when I sat down to start typing, it just started forming right in front of me as I went. Even the last scene with Sam, which as it came into my mind, I knew had to happen. I loved writing all of the interactions Dean has in this; with Bobby, with Charlie, with Sam, with John and, of course, with Cas.

Picture Perfect & A Joy To Be Around
Dean is not sick. Sam doesn’t know what he’s talking about. - This one still makes me smile because of the ridiculous reason for which I wrote it; my sister insisting, much like Dean in the story, that she was not sick and she didn't need to see a doctor and she'd just take some vitamins instead. She didn't feel better in the morning, but at least she had a sweet little story printed out and waiting for her on the bathroom sink when she woke up.

This month I have worked on two things; a Teen Wolf fic and a Chicago Fire fic. The Teen Wolf fic is that happy thing of having All The Ideas and having the scenes just pour out of me, and even when I am not writing, having the scenes just forming and playing out in my head. The downside - not enough time to get it all out! I don't know what's up with my Teen Wolf muse, but every story idea I have seems to be wanting to take at least 10,000 words to write. You would think Teen Wolf would inspire ridiculous fun little fic ideas instead of these lengthy plot pieces that keep coming. Oh, Teen Wolf, how you never stop surprising me.

leverage - the a-team 2.0, writing blahblahblahing, valentine's day has candy, dean/cas epic heavenly love, dean winchester - i'd tap that, legolas is the prettiest, lord of the rings took my virginity, spn love, teen wolf - high school with werewolves, chicago fire is hot, word count total, fic count total, district 12, sister oh sister

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