Hypothetically Speaking, That Is.

Feb 19, 2013 16:28

What would you do if the internet ceased to exist tomorrow?

How do you think that would affect this modern technology age we live in? What would you miss the most about the internet?

It Was A Dream That Was Kind Of A Nightmare. )

friends 4evah, geek squad time, end of the world! everybody pile on!, dream in which..., srz bznz questions

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Comments 11

shirebound February 19 2013, 22:11:59 UTC
there were just hordes of people wandering around outside, like people just sort of meandering down the middle of the street where we were trying to drive because no one knew what to do with themselves with no internet. There was even the scene of the people coming outside and blinking their eyes at the sunlight, as if they had all been glued to their computers and had not gone outside in weeks or something.

Sounds pretty accurate to me!

I'd be out of a job for sure, since everything we do at work is web-related. And how we would miss visiting with our LJ friends! I'd be happy I still know how to use a phone book and read a map (two things I don't think my nieces have ever done), etc. But my gosh, what a different world that would be. That's quite a dream!


dodger_sister February 22 2013, 01:29:48 UTC
I'd be out of a job for sure, since everything we do at work is web-related.

I know, can you imagine? The sheer number of unemployed people if the internet ceased to exist! It would be staggering.

I'd be happy I still know how to use a phone book and read a map

Right? Every year the phone book comes and we stick it on the bookshelf and never touch it - but at least I know how to use it if I need too! I was always rubbish at reading maps though. lol

I would miss my LJ friends a lot! And also just the convenience of easy talking with my relatives who don't live in town. How bizarre it would be to regress the world back to a non-internet time though.


jojothecr February 19 2013, 22:40:47 UTC
You know what I'd miss the most? Knowing what's happening with my J2 boys. Because, like you said, there's still the postal service, so I'd be somewhat in touch with my friends. But I'd never know what's happening with my boys, because basically no one in this country knows them, they never appear in our media... That would suck... And damn, no fanfiction?! Go away with this kind of nightmares!


dodger_sister February 22 2013, 01:36:44 UTC
You know what I'd miss the most? Knowing what's happening with my J2 boys.

IKR?! Even here in the states, The CW is still not the biggest network and it is not taken that seriously, as it is seen as for teens/tweens, and also Supernatural is not considered its 'popular' show like The Vampire Diaries is. We just wouldn't have just the sheer amount of access we have now - it would be so strange.

And damn, no fanfiction?! Go away with this kind of nightmares!

You know, they did have fanzines back in the day, before the internet had really taken off. I think some publishing company out there would be smart enough to just start mass producing fan-fiction in magazines - they could get quick easy cheap submissions and make a fucking mint of that business. But it would never be the same! You couldn't just decide at 2am that you desperately need some incestuous college au mpreg and BAM, have it at your fingertips like you can now!

Go away with this kind of nightmares!

Hell yes, no more of that kind of dream!


vikingprincess February 20 2013, 02:08:30 UTC
No internet is a depressing prospect. It's so convenient for research, and hanging out.

I guess we'd all better gather each other's real addresses and phone numbers, stat!


dodger_sister February 22 2013, 01:40:41 UTC
No internet is a depressing prospect. It's so convenient for research, and hanging out.

Everything about our modern world is on the internet! Buying everything under the sun, paying our bills, video chatting, emailing, job hunting, school work, friends, family, information storing, research - EVERYTHING. I mean, no more could The Nephew come to me and say that all his friends at school talk about Godzilla but he doesn't know who that is, and have me then google images of Godzilla and go to youtube and find a fanvid of all the Godzilla movies for him to watch. What would we do without Godzilla fanvids?! (it sounds like lunacy when I say it like that, but 'no internet' would suck!)

I guess we'd all better gather each other's real addresses and phone numbers, stat!

Ha! Even with no more internet, you'll never be rid of me of now!


vikingprincess February 22 2013, 02:20:02 UTC
I have to admit, I really like the online bill pay (took me long enough to start doing that, right??). And the online shopping. And I pretty much love being able to talk to anyone, anywhere, just about any time.

Godzilla! Yes! Will the Nephew now write some Avengers taming Gojiro? Because that would be pretty awesome. And he'd make a great pet for the Hulk.

You know what? YAY! :P


lindahoyland February 20 2013, 05:39:00 UTC
What a nightmare!


dodger_sister February 22 2013, 01:41:25 UTC
What a nightmare!

It truly was! I woke up and sighed relief that we still had the internet out there!


matchboximpala February 20 2013, 06:33:07 UTC
I'm not sure I would have a job if the internet just disappeared. On the plus side, I own over 1000 books I have not yet read, so I'd be able to keep myself occupied while I was unemployed.


dodger_sister February 22 2013, 01:42:52 UTC
I'm not sure I would have a job if the internet just disappeared. On the plus side, I own over 1000 books I have not yet read, so I'd be able to keep myself occupied while I was unemployed.

Time for reading is good, but a paycheck is always better! ;) There would be so many people who would be out of work, the unemployment rate would skyrocket overnight. /shudders to think of such a world existing/


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