Hypothetically Speaking, That Is.

Feb 19, 2013 16:28

What would you do if the internet ceased to exist tomorrow?

How do you think that would affect this modern technology age we live in? What would you miss the most about the internet?

I had this dream the other night where first Google stopped working and then we all woke up the next day to find the internet was just completely gone. Can you imagine waking up in the morning and finding that the internet had been blinked out of existence? I know this would happen in an apocalyptic type world, you know, like if there were a plague apocalypse, yes the internet would eventually be gone. But I think in that scenario, the loss of internet would be the least of our concerns. In this dream, it was still a modern working world - just there was no more internet.

We went out for a drive and there were just hordes of people wandering around outside, like people just sort of meandering down the middle of the street where we were trying to drive because no one knew what to do with themselves with no internet. There was even the scene of the people coming outside and blinking their eyes at the sunlight, as if they had all been glued to their computers and had not gone outside in weeks or something.

Then we went to visit my grandparents in the nursing home - (which is the first time I've ever dreamed about that place. It was kind of weird, especially since my grandparent's farm is one of the places I dream about the most, to be dreaming of the nursing home felt off). I was telling my grandmother about how the thing I will miss the most is all of my friends and how hard it will be to stay in touch with people now - no LJ, but also no more email even. We'd have to use the postal mail for everything! And like, one of my closest friends lives in Sweden - as an example, everything takes at least two weeks to arrive to her, even just a simple note card, and costs quite a bit more to send as well. Also, long distance phone calls cost a damn lot of money.

So apparently what my subconscious thinks I would miss the most is all of you! /cue awww-ing from the crowd/ I have to agree with that, though I would also miss fanfic but even in my dream, I wouldn't say that to my grandmother.

On the upside, the US postal service wouldn't be going out of business.

friends 4evah, geek squad time, end of the world! everybody pile on!, dream in which..., srz bznz questions

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