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viomisehunt July 9 2012, 18:43:45 UTC
Keeping both of them in this universe and away from his past mistakes/his enemies keeps them safe. The Doctor has a lot of enemies who would use both Rose and TenII to hurt him and endanger the universe. The Doctor may not like it but, he knows what has to be done. I don't believe it was easy for him to walk away. But, depending on how angry and resentful Ten II isn't it more likely that the Doctor is protecting his more vulnerable friends in this Universe from TenII? And if Ten II resentment is towards Ten--and from what we see it is--isn't the first person Ten should want to protect from the Metacriss Ten's anger and resentment than Rose Tyler? Who knows better how to hurt the Doctor using Rose, than the Doctor?
He's a Time Lord and looks at things as a Time Lord. I believe he looks at the possibilities/time lines (the what could be) and pushes Rose toward what he thinks is the best outcome. There is very little in classic Who canon to suggest that a Time Lord would think it is prudent or in the best interest of anyone to place ( ... )


nostalgia_lj July 13 2012, 14:00:46 UTC
I was kind of like that with RTD XD


viomisehunt July 13 2012, 18:15:41 UTC
I am a great deal more forgiving of RTD than I was. I realized a lot of the resentment I felt toward was actually about attitudes in fandom and RTD is not wholly responsible for that. Rose is his creation and I think he truly believes that his version of the Doctor/Companion relationship is a tribute to what he recalls of the classic show and wrote Rose as reflecting the attitudes of a large portion of his audience.


nostalgia_lj July 13 2012, 18:22:35 UTC
It got better but for a while there - and forever after in fandom - it felt like he was demeaning all the other companions past and future because they weren't Good Enough :(


viomisehunt July 13 2012, 18:39:14 UTC
Yeah, well he and Moffat are both stuck in the writer's purgatory of writing "roles" for women rather than characters. Unfortunately that means the female character either fits a certain role or she doesn't.


radiantbaby July 14 2012, 05:58:30 UTC


kilodalton July 10 2012, 23:51:35 UTC
Yeah I've seen a lot of that, too =/


viomisehunt July 14 2012, 17:58:46 UTC
Have to say, as an American I need sub-titles for Stephen. :)


kilodalton July 14 2012, 19:27:37 UTC
His accent is definitely a bit thick XD


radiantbaby July 13 2012, 11:29:03 UTC
I remember reading in a fic once where Handy was basically sent to the alt!verse by Ten to be with Rose to keep her from trying to get back to the Doctor via endangering the universe again (please don't start me on Ten actually giggling with her over that because...yeah *rages*). Sort of a Dimension Cannon cock blocker (I think Handy even destroyed it in the fic).

It's a bit harsh, but I admit I have to agree with it. By endangering the multiverse, Rose showed that she was very dangerous. If it takes Handy to keep her from doing anything so harmful again (whilst being romantically involved with her or just friends), then that is very good in my book.


nostalgia_lj July 13 2012, 14:02:09 UTC
My fictional anti-kink is Romantic Selfishness :( I mean I was even "WTF RIVER?!" about my beloved when she was all "ooh I suffer more than ANYONE if I have to kill you" but then she's a reformed psychopath :S


radiantbaby July 14 2012, 05:39:12 UTC
Yeah...that was an odd moment for River. :(


viomisehunt July 13 2012, 15:48:38 UTC
I don't think Rose is dangerous as in Rose lacks ethics, or is violent, but Rose on a mission of the heart--like most heroic figures--lacks any kind of caution, and as she says she doesn't care, if she has her goal, about the consequences, and I believe that is what the Doctor loves about her ( ... )


radiantbaby July 14 2012, 05:50:04 UTC
I don't think Rose is dangerous as in Rose lacks ethics, or is violent, but Rose on a mission of the heart--like most heroic figures--lacks any kind of caution, and as she says she doesn't care, if she has her goal, about the consequences, and I believe that is what the Doctor loves about her.

Oh, I totally agree. I think she is reckless and immature and won't let anything get in the way of getting what she wants. That sort of drive is scary in the wrong circumstances, especially when things like the fate of the universe is at stake. I mean, look at 'Father's Day' -- Rose has a habit of nearly destroying all creation for things she loves. It could make her a great villain, but of course that would never happen in the Whoniverse.

The most dangerous thing about Rose IS the Doctor. He didn't have the ability to say no to her and she would always come after him. I wish they would have chosen to show the character as able to move on--you know like the rest of the Who companions are able to.



redcirce July 10 2012, 02:04:09 UTC
TenToo did nothing in JE that Ten himself didn't do multiple times during his tenure - at least one of those times (Doomsday) involved laughing gleefully with Rose as the Daleks were being vanquished/executed.

OR, LIKE MULTIPLE OTHER DOCTORS. I saw an episode once with Four where the Timelords are all "How about we send you back in time to make sure the Daleks don't even come into existence?" and Four's totally like, "Eh, why not."

I think it's repressed Time War guilt.

(Though question: does Eleven want to save the Daleks in any of his eps? Because I guess if he does that could indicate a change of heart.)


kilodalton July 10 2012, 02:29:31 UTC
(Though question: does Eleven want to save the Daleks in any of his eps? Because I guess if he does that could indicate a change of heart.)

Not that I remember.

But this reminds me - lol I was so mad at Eleven in Victory of the Daleks, how he was taking credit for defeating the Daleks in the Medusa Cascade, right there in the dialogue!!

Me: "Uh no. That would be Donna. And TenToo. Your contribution was standing on the spot wringing your hands and yelling 'pleeeeease stooooop'!!"



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