Classic Who Meta: tragic vs optimistic companion fates

Dec 16, 2012 20:14

(Delayed post is delayed. Sorry, it was finals week!) =(

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Comments 8

wake_the_dragon December 17 2012, 01:25:11 UTC
Personally, I like the more optimistic version. I liked in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode which discussed former companions and how all of them went on to do great things.

Also, I really didn't like Amy and Rory's last episode. It's possible that I'm just biased because I really liked them and didn't want them to die, but I preffered their exit in "God Complex" where they just went off to live their lives.

i also didn't like Donna's ending and how RTD wrote it with her telling the Doctor to not erase her memories and he just ignored her and erased them anyway. Would it have been so hard to have Donna want to have them erased so she'd live rather than have the Doctor decide for her?

I'd like to learn about Leela or Romana.


kelkat9 December 17 2012, 02:00:39 UTC
Agree with all of this. In addition, I'd be interested in learning more about Ace.


tenthrose December 17 2012, 02:20:44 UTC
I like it when a character's ending (this goes for the Doctor's regenerations too, as well as characters in other shows) is organic to the character and the story. It should never feel like 'oh, the actor quit so the character's just going to hastily disappear' in the moment of watching it. The worst of that with Doctor Who tends to be the companions who decide to get married to someone who they just met that serial ( ... )


viomisehunt December 17 2012, 02:23:07 UTC
the Doctor's Companion is dangerous because the Doctor destroys lives.
I never thought this about the classic Doctor. Manipulative, yes he was. Dependent on his relationships with his companions or vice versa----never happened, even with those companions he loved like Ian and Barbara, Jamie, Zoe, Sarah Jane, Ace, Romana and Jo.... It was very clear that the Companions worked with the Doctor because that is where they wanted to be, and what they wanted to do. The Doctor truly broadened their horizons.
Although, I think the Doctor of Nu Who is a great deal more self-involved than the classic models, and sometimes very unaware of the full results of his actions. I don’t think he destroys lives.

Which do you prefer and why I don’t think the departures in terms of which kind is the better option? OKay, Peri was scalped and just dissapeared--that was poor writing, but consider the writing of that entire season ( ... )


ghost2 December 18 2012, 04:17:30 UTC
I like the more optimistic endings. I really dislike when companions are killed off or other really awful things happen to them (Big Finish, I'm looking at you). Also, although this isn't Classic Who, I despised what the Doctor did to Donna. That was SO wrong and sickening.

Although some of the Classic Who departures were rather abrupt, in general I think they were well done. I like Barbara and Ian's departure a lot as well as Adric's (going out a hero).

I'd especially like to know more about what happened to Mel, Nyssa, Harry, Steven, and Zoe after they stopped traveling with the Doctor.


john_amend_all December 18 2012, 18:01:06 UTC
I prefer companions to have optimistic fates, but those seem to be few and far between; the last time we had a companion departure without a The-Doctor-will-screw-your-life-right-up subtext is probably Mel, and that may be because we never got to see her joining story. Her departure's problematic in other respects; she's going off with a space pirate who's quite prepared to sell his crew into slavery for a meagre profit.

I think it was easier to have optimistic companion departures further back in the show's history. With the Doctor not being able to steer the TARDIS, you have the companions who are travelling with him through necessity, rather than choice, and who find something their travels in the TARDIS can't give them. And if he has a teacher/student relationship with them, rather than romantic love, that also helps: students are expected to graduate.


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