New clip, spoiler in cast list of episode, Television Centre tribute, EW magazine, Peter Jackson

Mar 21, 2013 22:27

New clip of 'The Bells of St. John'. Features a conversation between the Doctor and Clara.

A warning (or heads-up!). There's an interesting spoiler in the cast list for the episode on the BBC website:
[Spoiler (click to open)]The Great Intelligence - Richard E Grant ...Hmmm... The World Wide Web of Fear?

Also, tomorrow a celebration of TVC, where Classic Who was filmed, ( Read more... )

spoilers & shenanigans, other programmes, matt smith, daleks, news, cybermen, neil gaiman, magazines, clara, bbc, jenna coleman

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Comments 20

that_therapist March 21 2013, 23:28:15 UTC
They're a bit Iron Man, the new Cybermen design.


ibishtar March 21 2013, 23:32:10 UTC
You're right, although it's really just HD-finessing of the 2006 design, which came before the Iron Man films!


jackdavfan692 March 21 2013, 23:37:28 UTC
Ooh, interesting =)! Makes perfect sense, though, since in "The Snowmen", the Great Intelligence took possession of Dr. Simeon's body and essentially became him. It could also explain why "the Vigil" minions are dressed so similarly to Dr. Simeon, at least IMO. *Has an epiphany* Which means...that this season's main big bad is probably the Great Intelligence =O! Fun, if that's how things turn out B). *Thinks some more* It might also mean that it's connected somehow to Clara, "The Question", and Trenzalore & "The Fall of the Eleventh (and by default, the Order of The Silence & The Silents that appeared in "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day Of The Moon") =O! Oh boy, what have you got up your sleeve, Mr. Moffat B)?

Peter Jackson's a DW fan (maybe not entirely a surprise, considering what genre the majority of his most successful movies has been, but still...) =)?! That is so cool =D! I'd love for him to direct an episode of the show- it would probably be brilliant 8)!


ibishtar March 21 2013, 23:49:49 UTC
Could the voice that said "silence will fall" in The Pandorica Opens be that of The Great Intelligence? I know nothing of TGI having not seen those old serials (which are also lost stories), so I don't know how they could relate to all that's happened in the Eleven's era, but I think the idea of bringing back in a big way an enemy from lost serials is very sweet.

I saw an article which says this, but they may well be speaking out of their posterior:
[Neil] Cross, who lives in Wellington, has written two episodes of the upcoming season of Doctor Who alongside showrunner Steven Moffat and Neil Gaiman. He is in line to write a New Zealand set episode after Sir Peter Jackson accepted an invitation to direct an episode from the show's lead Matt Smith issued in a Waikato Times interview.


jackdavfan692 March 24 2013, 20:33:09 UTC
Possibly so. *Nods* Good theory =)!
I know nothing of TGI having not seen those old serials (which are also lost stories)
Yeah, I don't know a whole lot about it either, except that in the story(ies?) it appeared in, it controlled robotic Yetis/Abominable Snowmen, and the Doctor tricked it by trapping it in the London subway or something (Moffat actually had the Doctor make a reference to the "London Underground" in "The Snowmen". I think it occurred when he was talking to the Great Intelligence in Dr. Simeon's office.). Here's my reasoning for why the Great Intelligence might be connected to everything I mentioned in my previous comment:
-Clara appeared with it in "The Snowmen", and almost single-handedly defeated it.
-Clara, in the form of Oswin, pretty much helped the Doctor finish erasing himself from history when she made the Daleks forget him in "Asylum Of The Daleks", so now everyone and everything, including his greatest enemy, is asking 'The Question'- "Doctor Who-The aliens who appeared in "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day Of ( ... )


ibishtar March 24 2013, 20:42:18 UTC
Yes to everything you said, including the return of the Valeyard! The Dream Lord is a way of giving the concept a New Series genesis (since the Time Lords are gone), like they did with the Cybermen.
Neil Cross has written two episodes for series 7, Hide and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, neither set in New Zealand or directed by Peter Jackson, of course. Who knows what may happen in the future, but I'm assuming that Moffat would want the privilege to write the story that gets made by PJ.


othellia March 21 2013, 23:38:02 UTC
I do love Clara's Theme. It seems like they're using it a lot more than Amy's Theme was.

I find it interesting that the Doctor mentioned a person called Nina; I wonder if they're related at all to the Nina/Rory that was mentioned in Asylum of the Daleks.


ibishtar March 21 2013, 23:57:44 UTC
Clara's theme is really pretty and very spirited. Amy's theme is really soulful and child-like and didn't always work with her character after a while. Good catch with Nina, I wonder if it is a coincidence or a clue somehow that Clara has a friend called Nina and that Oswin mentioned a former girlfriend called Nina but her memories of her were fuzzy enough that she thought her name might have been Rory.


that_therapist March 22 2013, 18:36:29 UTC
I wish the Doctor could've fixed the rattling sound in my washing machine before I had to buy a new one a few weeks ago...


ibishtar March 24 2013, 01:12:08 UTC
Oh, how much easier life would be with a Sonic Screwdriver!


that_therapist March 24 2013, 01:30:49 UTC
Damn straight!


gaillfreys_last March 24 2013, 01:04:32 UTC
Question: How come this didn't happen during the Tennant years?! Ugh.


ibishtar March 24 2013, 01:09:55 UTC
You mean the Peter Jackson thing? Well, Moffat wrote a Tintin script for him, so there's a connection to the showrunner that didn't exist before.


ealasaid76 March 24 2013, 01:11:52 UTC
No, the magazine spread...the media blitz in the US. Although I can see what the connection was.


ibishtar March 24 2013, 01:13:44 UTC
It started when the show started premiering in BBC America rather than the SyFy channel with the 2009 Specials. BBC America have been doing sterling work marketing the show ever since.


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