crack theories about 601 and 602

May 05, 2011 11:33

So, about Amy... (SPOILERS!)

...and her transmiter, that keeps on transmiting even though it's no where near her. It made me wonder if perhaps it isn't Schrodinger's Amy more than Schrodinger's Baby. Let's say there are two time lines (pre-cracks and post-cracks or something else entirely) and two Amys happened to intersect in the creepy orphanage, and instead of continuing down their proper timelines, one of them took a detour in the trousers of time.

And then the Silents have two Amys, both remembering pieces of the other one's timeline, due to Amy's timey-wimey mixed up brain, one for the Doctor and company to find and rescue, and one to keep (for creepy experiments with Eye-Patch McGee). One to remove the recorder from. And... The Tardis is smart enough to realize that somethings up, but not conveying what it is. I don't know. No more speculation before coffee for me.

amy, speculation

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