My apologies for being slightly out of date. I know we're all buzzing about The Pandorica and here i am talking about The Lodger.
But I had a few questions that I haven't found on past posts. So when Craig and The Doctor go to explore the upstairs that isn't there, the Doctor says "Someone's attepmting to build a TARDIS..." awfully specific, isn't it? not just a spaceship, but a TARDIS. and then, do we ever find out who the builder was? It seems strange that The Doctor wouldn't want to find out who/what is trying to build a time machine. I thought at first maybe jacket!Doctor, you know with the TARDIS 'asploding and all, but then I realized Jacket!Doctor wouldn't have killed anyone. So who could it be? and why wasn't that question pursued in the ep? The Doctor said it was a hologram, okay, sure but who created it? what race? Why was it there, on top of the house?
And another thing, more relevant to the finale, isn't it the thing upstairs that wouldn't let the TARDIS land? While it's not flying the TARDIS it does have some control over it, right? What if what ever was building a TARDIS is what controlled the TARDIS in The Pandorica Opens?
I didn't like The Lodger on first viewing because nothing seemed relevant, it seemed like a tangent from the overall arc, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't just made to look like nothing, but was an equally important episode?
Or, of course, I'm reading waaaaay to much in to things,