Jerry Falwell Porn-A-Thon Challenge!

Jun 17, 2007 23:11

So as you may be aware, Jerry Falwell died. Yes, the man who used a national tragedy to further his own goals and spread a message of hate and fear. ...No, Falwell, not Bush. (*rimshot*) Anyway, as you may also be aware...I am a bad person.

And so! In honor of this man's passing, I propose a Jerry Falwell Porn-A-Thon!

The Jerry Falwell Porn-A-Thon does not, in any way, shape, or form have to involve Jerry Falwell. And most definitely not Jerry Falwell's naughty bits. Oh god, I thought it! I can't unthink it! AUGH!

No, the purpose of this porn-a-thon is...well, to generate large amounts of porn-licious things that Jerry Falwell would not have approved of. Personally, I found inspiration with what is no doubt one of his most famous quotes: "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"

If you want quotey inspiration, I suggest the following:
Falwell quotes at Positive Atheism.
Falwell quotes at BrainyQuote.
Falwell quotes at ThinkExist.

And if you base something on a quote, please include it in the summary/author's notes/whatever. And, if possible, a link to this Jerry Falwell Porn-A-Thon. Together, let us point the finger in his face and say, "You helped this happen."


And now for something resembling structure.
Da Rules:

1. Must have something to do with something Jerry Falwell did not approve of.
2. It is a porn-a-thon. This suggests porn.
3. Fandom is up to you.
4. The slashier the better. (But not mandatory.)
5. Points if it's inspired by a specific Falwell quote.

That's all I can think of. Fic it, draw it, vid it, whatever. And let me know so I can put it up here.


Three weeks from now. June 17th (Sunday). Um...midnight.

Addendum to the Deadline:

The deadline is only technically a deadline, in the sense that it is when you should try to get stuff in before but really I'm not going to give you grief if you decide to enter something in August. ^_^

So let your creative juices flow, and let's send Falwell off with the sweet, sweet sound of gay sex and women having opinions. Good luck, and have fun. ;D
EDIT: Changed the date of this post so it'll stay on top until the deadline.


Five Times Jerry Falwell Did Not Approve by doctorv
Geeks In Love by doctorv
-- Part 1: Geeks build it so you will come
True Friends Pay for Your Hooker silver_apples
The Devil and Mister Madison by sabinelagrande

slash-goggles are a go!, character: ted kord, pairing: boostle, character: nameless extras, babble, fanfic, crack, character: michael carter, hear my evil laugh and know fear, wankity wank, recs, house keeping, politico

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