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Comments 8

aralias February 24 2013, 09:39:59 UTC
THAT IS ME! (as three - the one who is not a man. i have no idea who the male!three is). i thought i probably had met you briefly as soon as the picture of the benton costume appeared at the top and then, voila, proof.


also, i was at that big finish panel. so... i don't know how i missed that thing about clara...


doctorpancakes February 24 2013, 23:46:32 UTC
Aww, that WAS you! *UNIT clings*

The Clara thing was like the first question at the panel, and it was awkward. I think they managed to quickly move on to "so, how many people here DO listen to Big Finish audios?" and then everyone got married. (If only con-related marriages meant anything with regard to professional nepotisim *cough*somebodypleaseemployme*cough*)


a_phoenixdragon February 24 2013, 17:21:59 UTC
Ohhhhh...loved these posts!! And your costumes were epic!! Thank you for sharing all this with us, sweetie! And big hugs to lovely Daphne!!



doctorpancakes February 24 2013, 23:47:49 UTC
Sharing is caring! Also, I'm afraid I'll forget this stuff if I don't write it all down, heh.



praedestinatio February 26 2013, 05:03:07 UTC
Omggggg that's me as Jo. I now feel incredibly stupid for saying it's too bad we didn't see each other!


doctorpancakes February 26 2013, 06:37:50 UTC
Ahhhhh, I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't want to assume and get all weird XD


eve11 March 2 2013, 14:22:16 UTC
Yay for unknowing costumed meetups! :D

Next time though, you may all meet up again and if dressed differently, may also not realize it... At Chicago TARDIS auntiemeesh and I ran into several people we didn't realize we'd already met before, and ditto for them and us ;)


doctorpancakes March 3 2013, 00:04:00 UTC
Yeah, I feel like I had that experience a few times - I'm pretty sure at least two people came up to me and were like OMG HIIIIIIIIIIIII and I genuinely couldn't tell who they were... whoops


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