Gally 2013 blurry phone photo report, part three: it's taking me way too long to post these recaps

Feb 24, 2013 04:16

Sergeant Benton reporting for duty, sir! How I was as awake as I was by 11something in the morning after two nights of sleeping awkwardly on two chairs mashed together into a makeshift bed, I have no idea. I later tried not to fall asleep on Mark Strickson's shoulder while he tried not to fall asleep on me, given that between the two of us, I think we were on about four hours' sleep. He really is one of the loveliest people, just very down to earth and cool.

Quelle surprise, it's a Dalek!

Here I am being confused by a cube.

Big Finish panel. Awkwardly, the first audience question was something like "so where are you going with this new companion? She keeps dying, are we going to find out what's going on there?" OH HONEY, YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT BIG FINISH IS, DO YOU? Poor fellow must have been mortified by the confused stares he got for that. Apart from that, all I remember from the panel was the fact that the audience are now all married to the panelists. Except Daphne, who arrived late, but I mean, I'd marry Daphne in a heartbeat, she's so sweet. Also, Nick Briggs' jacket was a velvet wonderland and I don't know what Chase Masterson's dress was, but I want one.

Ooh, it's the UNIT Dating Controversy! Benton, Jo, and two Threes. So many polarities to reverse!

Writers' panel. I don't remember much specifics beyond the fact that most of the informative points more or less confirmed things I think I already knew about How To Write For Doctor Who Across Various Media, so that was a bit nice to know. Bit depressing that like SERIOUSLY WHY ARE THERE NO WOMEN ON THIS PANEL, which I've only just realized. I mean, I know there are women who've written for Doctor Who, but... less? I'mma have to correct this, la dee da.

Moar panels. And my thumb. CLASS. When will I learn that my phone camera is compact and unobtrusive, but rubbish? I shoot on film! It's almost one of my jobs!

This was actually also the one night I actually ate a meal. If you can call fried zucchini and sweet potato fries a meal. The restaurant pickings in the hotel area are slim, to say the least.

Some other things happened, I think - oh yeah, that was masquerade night. To be honest, the masquerade is always a bit fun, but after a while, my hands go a bit numb from all the clapping. I wanted to get my party on a bit more, but I was with shy people who wanted to try not to fall asleep through a screening of something. Stuck around with Morgan until her dad came to pick her up, as she was flying back to Texas the next morning. Big hugs, and then I sort of wandered a bit through the lobby and couldn't find anyone I knew and went to bed. Or rather, went to some chairs.

my doofy face, classic who, doctor who, gallifrey

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