Gally 2013 blurry phone photo report, part two: feels and feels and feels

Feb 22, 2013 15:56

It's taking me way too long to process all these feelings

Elloh! I'm the Doctor. I do actually feel really pretty dressed as Two. Congratulations, me!

Then it was set-up-the-art-show time, which apparently I did wrong, through no fault of my own, because they just told me to start setting stuff up and not that I needed to, like, fill in any other info for them, so I was kind of nonplussed when they gave me heck when I came to collect my stuff on Sunday :< But in the meantime I was just happy my art was up and innocently hopeful that people might actually buy some.

Then it was time for tea and Starbucks and lobby, and MAN do I have a lot of admiration for people willing to walk around all day, like, painted. Then I got a text from my friend Morgan, who'd never been to Gally, so we arranged to meet up later so I could, like, provide moral support at Sylvester McCoy's signing and stuff.

But first, while enjoying a delicious clove cigarette on the terrace, I found a Jamie! We couldn't not get a doofy cling-photo.

Then I met up with Morgan, and we fangirled about some stuff, and I made some poor attempts at photographing some panels. Here's a painfully bad photo of Sylv talking to some podcast gents.

(Incidentally, I think I was the only person in the room who cheered that time somebody onstage mentioned that Sylv used to be on Vision On. BUT THAT SHOW WAS SO COOL)

Then more panels happened, then we went wandering and then, on a whim, decided to queue for something without actually knowing what we were queuing for (as there are so many queues at cons!) and it turned out Michael Jayston was signing, so that was neat. The guy in line in front of us TALKED OUR EAR OFF about this and that, and I was a little nonplussed as, being still a fairly shy person, kind of needed to get into I'm-about-to-introduce-myself-to-someone-I-admire-for-the-first-time mode, and also I was mildly afraid said dude was going to stand there for like half an hour talking at the Valeyard, but he eventually moved along with relative ease. (Thank goodness most people seem to have at least enough social awareness to recognise when a signing with a long queue isn't time to have a half-hour chat!) So finally I got there, and he's a cheeky so-and-so, I tell you! He asked me if I was a lapdancer, told me I didn't look a day over 63 (to which I told him I was, in fact, 254) and then quite earnestly encouraged me to go forth and write Doctor Who novels, so neat! *flail*

Then Morgan and I had a wee wander round the dealers' room, and I ended up buying a handful of paperbacks (because they fit in my luggage and they're all $5 or less - if I'm going to buy anything, paperbacks GOOD) and I looked at the Big Finish table, but unless I wanted to get something signed, it's kind of moot, since I usually just download the digital audiobooks from the website (Subscribers Get More At Big Finish Dot Com) and with my impending transatlantic move happening when the weather's warmer, Gosh willing, I don't really need more action figures and stuff taking up space!

THEN as we were heading back out of the room, I noticed Debbie Watling was there, and had to go say hello. Is she not the most genuinely adorable lady ever? We had a good giggle about snuggling yetis. It was the cutest thing ever.

THEN who should turn up while I'm talking to Debbie, but Mark Strickson! So then I like super had to say hello to him too, and we actually just talked for a long time about jet lag and commiserated about being on basically no sleep and wished each other a good night's sleep and I think he was kind of happy that someone was genuinely concerned for his well-being. What a lovely, lovelylovelylovelylovely gentleman.

Pardon my doofy fangirling.

Moar panels. This is the delightful Gary Russell having a chat with Frazer and Debbie (sadly obscured here by the head of that Fourth Doctor, boo - I promise she was there and adorable.) THESE PEOPLE ARE TOO CUTE OK

Then I found a Sixie on the escalator and couldn't resist having a surreptitious Two Doctors moment, bahahahahahhahahaha

This is me being nervous as fuck because I'm about to get one of those silly photo studio photos done with Frazer and I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH OK *sobbing*

This is me taking a picture to check that my lipgloss is appropriately sexy before the Frazer photo times because I'm not much of a girl and therefore didn't have a mirror.

AND THEN THE PHOTO HAPPENED AND HE'S SO LOVELY AND HE LOVED MY OUTFIT AND HE SMELLS REALLY, REALLY GOOD. I mentioned that I had a Jamie costume later in the weekend and he made me promise to come find him. So there was that. Also, he smells really, really good. This isn't weird.

Then I tracked down Morgan in line for Sylv's signing that day and, she's a ton more shy than I am (and I thought I was shy!) so I promised to be there for moral support and, like, introduced her to Sylvester and everything, and there was a sizeable queue so there really wasn't actually much time to hang about, but he was sweet and she was fangirling and it was the cutest.

Then we caught the tail end of Mark Strickson talking about almost being killed by large animals and being adorable with cute little animals and I sort of wish we were best friends because he really is lovely.

Here's me, and Morgan's arm. MAN that coat was getting uncomfortably warm in a packed room. Hot DAMN.

And then that blurry thing you see on that screen there is a Chumbley, because they screened the recently-recovered episode from Galaxy 4, and IT WAS SO GOOD OMG I just love One so much *sobbing*

my doofy face, classic who, gally, doctor who

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