What have I done

Feb 08, 2013 03:13

This morning I looked like this, with long, cascading waves:

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taste the rainbow, my doofy face, tea, gally

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Comments 12

eve11 February 8 2013, 13:17:10 UTC
I like it! :D It's a cute style.


doctorpancakes February 10 2013, 07:06:39 UTC
*squee* Thank you! :)


lost_spook February 8 2013, 13:50:42 UTC
Aw, you look pretty cute either way. ;-)

Good luck at Gally, anyway - I hope you do get some of your tea samples through in time.


doctorpancakes February 10 2013, 08:57:32 UTC
Why thank you kindly! :3

I've got most of my tea samples packed up and ready to go - according to Canada Post package tracking, my most recent blends have passed customs, so fingers crossed they'll be here by Monday or Tuesday so I'll have enough to share!


a_phoenixdragon February 8 2013, 14:20:08 UTC
It's a cute cut - and it totally suits you. Can see how people are saying it makes you 'look more like yourself'. Love it!



doctorpancakes February 10 2013, 08:58:03 UTC
Shuckssssssssssssssssssssssss *blush*


stalkerbunny February 8 2013, 14:39:28 UTC
sadfsddgfgh CUTE.

Not that they both aren't, but clearly there is something in the air, as I've also been pondering getting my hair cut short again, and now...the desire to do that got worse. =A=


doctorpancakes February 10 2013, 08:58:41 UTC
Do it do it do it do it do it! Now that I've sat with this cut for a couple days, I'm quite chuffed! DO IT!!!


stalkerbunny February 12 2013, 23:02:44 UTC
I'm changing my mind constantly. I mean, I've grown out my hair for a couple of years now so it's become something of an entity of it's own, so I worry I'll miss it, but on the other hand I feel ready to try something completely new and fresh?


doctorpancakes February 13 2013, 04:01:15 UTC
I know this feeling well. You might miss it, but it grows. And though I was uncertain at first, my new cut's grown on me. It feels nice. The occasional change is, I think, good.


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doctorpancakes February 10 2013, 09:31:58 UTC
The long hair was really different for me, but I really enjoyed it. I think I might just grow it out again now that I've gone short, hee.


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