Post the first sentence (or three) from every WIP you're currently working on, even if it's very short. Then invite people to ask questions about your WIPs. With any luck, the motivation to take that WIP one step closer to completion will appear as if by magic!There's probably more, but these are the ones I'm actually (more or less) actively trying
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Comments 8
You should be watching Classic Who. It's a sexy beast. Though to be fair, I should tell you that three of the above stories star Ten.
Any TV station that doesn't accept your Tate/Barratt vehicle isn't worth the airtime.
I will do, once my life stops and I can sit down and marathon. I'm looking forward to it.
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And okayyyyyy I'm so confused why does Jones have babies? XD You'll note I'm not asking why said baby is extremely cheeky, which is just a stands to reason kinda thing. :D
Also I am woefully unknowing on any Doctor farther back than Four (except that Pertwee is Terrifying). Mostly because the last time I checked Netflix they only had a bunch of random bits and bobs all out of order but this is not the first Two/Jamie I have heard of so INTRIGUED. Also, bampot. XD
As for Jones and the baby, well, that's a longish story that follows an earlier longish story that follows a couple of short stories. Complicated universe is complicated. And I can't draw babies so this is what she looks like as a toddler.
Ooooooh, you should totally check out Doctors One through Three! Two is my favourite ever, and his epic TARDIS teams of cute. Seriously. But Two/Jamie, oh man. They just make my heart explode with love. There's so much love there, and then because it's the Doctor, even if you don't know how it ends, you know it ends, and that knowledge makes the whole thing weepingly tragic at the same time as it is incredibly sweet and sexy and beautiful. Also, it doesn't help that I've got a crush on both of them and the actors totally played up the subtext as far as they could get past the radar.
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