Convention convention convention convention convention

Feb 21, 2012 01:22

OH MAN I feel like a total zombie what with the red-eye flight and all, but I figured I should post to say I made it safely home from Gally and it was lovely.

Too many stories to tell, some wacky stuff, overpriced hotel breakfast, a lovely day-after-Valentines-Day-day with the beautiful gina-r-snape, a trip to Denny's, doing Los Angeles things in Los Angeles ( Read more... )

i'm awesome, fan stuff, doctor who, gallifrey

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Comments 6

life_downsized February 21 2012, 07:37:23 UTC
Oh my god, you make such an adorable adipose (screw the other person) and Ten! It looks so epic. I'm glad you had a good time. Also LA looks amazing and I wish I could go!


doctorpancakes February 22 2012, 03:08:44 UTC
Aww shuckssssssssssssssssssssss :3

LA is quite lovely. The lighting is brilliant! Also the palm trees are ubiquitous. It always kind of weirds me out to be among nothing but totally foreign plantlife. Bring extra-strength sunscreen if you're going to be wandering about the city in summer and don't fancy a sunburnt nose.


jadore_histoire February 22 2012, 04:24:51 UTC
All of your costumes came out lovely :) and don't worry about the other person's Adipose costume, yours is better ;)


doctorpancakes February 22 2012, 19:47:41 UTC
Dude you haven't even seen it, what the hell? It WAS actually awesome and I loved it.


jadore_histoire February 22 2012, 22:23:56 UTC
Ok yes, good point LOL. I'll take your word for it that it looked awesome! Yours still looks great though.


(The comment has been removed)

doctorpancakes February 23 2012, 19:21:02 UTC
*beams* Thanks luv!


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