Convention convention convention convention convention

Feb 21, 2012 01:22

OH MAN I feel like a total zombie what with the red-eye flight and all, but I figured I should post to say I made it safely home from Gally and it was lovely.

Too many stories to tell, some wacky stuff, overpriced hotel breakfast, a lovely day-after-Valentines-Day-day with the beautiful gina-r-snape, a trip to Denny's, doing Los Angeles things in Los Angeles, a whirlwind tour of the traffic jams of Beverly Hills, celebrity encounters and flailing, dressing up in silly outfits, me feeling socially overwhelmed quite a bit, meeting loads of Gina's lovely friends, buying slashy art prints of Two and Jamie (they're like JUST about to kiss), debating whether preferring jelly tots to jelly babies makes me a bad fan, more or less only figuring out what you do at conventions on the last day, hugging daleks, being shy, room snacks, overpriced bottled water, all that good stuff.

Here are some pictures, mostly of me in costumes:

Los Angeles

Action adipose and the fabulous Donna

Only mildly miffed that somebody else also had the idea of doing an adipose costume and it was like a billion times better than mine; fuck you I won a BAFTA

I totally ship this Ten/Queen Victoria

Oh and here's me cosplaying Jamie McCrimmon circa Tomb of the Cybermen

Oh and here's me meeting William Russell, totally flailing on the inside because IAN CHESTERTON oh my goodness what a lovely man.

So yeah, it was great. I'm already planning what the heck I'll be wearing next year and I don't even know if I'm going next year. I hope I'm going next year. Yep.

i'm awesome, fan stuff, doctor who, gallifrey

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