Artpost funtiems

Jan 30, 2012 17:22

Well, that last post certainly was interesting. Glad to see that nobody felt like punching me in the mouth. This is nice. I don't like being punched.

Also I fucking loved this Doctor Who serial with the crazy insect people planet. It was artsy and weird and I haven't stopped yammering on about it for weeks. HAVE NOT STOPPED YAMMERING.

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boosh, rubbish, slash, sherlock, noel fielding, bad art, doctor who

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Comments 10

life_downsized January 30 2012, 22:35:01 UTC
I think that last picture is a glory to mankind and we should all bow done and worship it. Just saying.

The Sherlock picture is making my cry in a good way, and Noel really should have his own electro Disney cartoon (and JuJu should totally be the grumpy northern prince, yessir.)

These are all fab. I wish I had your skills.


doctorpancakes February 1 2012, 04:54:54 UTC
THANK YOU. Now I feel all special. So does miniskirt!Master. He feels pretty.

Awwwwwwwwww, THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU I know it's super fluffy but I had to do SOMETHING with those two and they just sort of cried out for a bit of love.



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doctorpancakes February 1 2012, 06:18:07 UTC
No, you are <444


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doctorpancakes February 1 2012, 19:35:38 UTC
Aww, really? Sherlock and John love you very much. (For some reason John's face kept reminding me of something out of Charlie Brown. Is it just me?)

Context: I was sitting around one evening probably around midnight, wandering about in my mind palace as I often do, and it occurred to me that I ought to paint Simm!Master dressed in 1960s companion Dodo Chaplet's mad mod minidress and fishnets from "The Celestial Toymaker". Further thinky thoughts led me to notice that even though most companions go through various wardrobe changes throughout their time in the TARDIS, it's not like we see them departing with, like, suitcases or anything. So I can only imagine that the TARDIS walk-in closet is chockablock with bunches of outfits people wore like once and then just left there. So, you know, the Master's exploring, and one thing leads to another which later probably leads to a bumming, not pictured, because boy do I ever ship the Doctor and the Master. IT IS SO FUCKING CANON OK. And if you think about it, he once turned the entire ( ... )


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doctorpancakes February 2 2012, 18:15:25 UTC
I love Charlie Brown. It wasn't intentional, but somehow I feel it suits John.

Logical progression, yeah - it was logical in my head. But my logic also envisions an AU where those two end up wandering about sexually frustrating each other and bickering on every planet they visit. I'd watch that, hee. But FUCK I CRIED SO MUCH WHEN HE DIED TOO. It was heartbreaking. Ten/Simm is so full of feelings. (Though in that story that's mostly kindasorta those two, I at one point reference a rather adorably hilarious moment between Three and Delgado because who doesn't love a good continuity nod - also I've developed a fondness for Three's penchant for velvet and his prison tattoo)

Yay for compulsive research and things! I recently spent several days researching what was foodie-trendy in 2006 - not before, not after, but IN 2006. Surprisingly difficult, you know!


concupiscence66 January 31 2012, 15:21:46 UTC
In my latest story, I actually had a feeling Vince was getting a little too Snow White in his animal interactions and had him call otters "furry little retards" just to balance things out.

Noel and Daniel Radcliffe feeding penguins was the cutest thing! Noel could have a show with Daniel as his side kick.

Noel: My next guest is a family of ducklings. Daniel, have you ever met a family of ducklings?

Dan: No.

Noel: Would you like to?

Dan: Yeah!!!

Then they frolick while Noel makes a few jokes.

I would watch the hell out of that show! He could bring on Mike to play a puma (for safety) and any other animals to dangerous for a studio will be played by Rich Fulcher. We can only hope Julian will show up for the urban foxes episode.


doctorpancakes February 1 2012, 19:40:06 UTC


jadore_histoire January 31 2012, 19:56:34 UTC
Your art is so adorable! Especially the first one, it made me smile with all the little animals in it, awwww!


doctorpancakes February 1 2012, 19:42:37 UTC
You should be a Disneyt Princess when you grow up too. Do they do Disney Princess birthday parties for adults?


jadore_histoire February 1 2012, 19:48:11 UTC
Why not? LOL!

If Noel is Snow White, does that make Julian his Prince Charming?


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