Artpost funtiems

Jan 30, 2012 17:22

Well, that last post certainly was interesting. Glad to see that nobody felt like punching me in the mouth. This is nice. I don't like being punched.

Also I fucking loved this Doctor Who serial with the crazy insect people planet. It was artsy and weird and I haven't stopped yammering on about it for weeks. HAVE NOT STOPPED YAMMERING.


In other news, please don't punch me for having painted the following things of late:

So, Gina-R-Snape and I were talking about Noel Fielding’s appearance on Wossy with the penguins, and I told her how I thought he should present a show where he just hangs out with animals, like:

- Hi, I’m Noel Fielding and this week I’m hanging out with these five dogs.

- Hi, I’m Noel Fielding and this week I’m taking a miniature horse to Margate for ice lollies and maybe a nice cuppa tea.

- Hi, I’m Noel Fielding and this week I’m being followed by a family of ducklings.

and then Gina had the amazing brainstorm vision (because truly, her imagination is a wonder to behold) of Noel Fielding having a total Disney Princess Moment, with all the little animals gathered round him and a little bird landing on his delicate princess fingertip. I knew immediately it had to be committed to paint. Thus, I present to you:

Snoel White, 2012
watercolour on card
by me.

Just a doofy thing what I painted to jump on the post-Reichenbach Sherlock fanwagon. Feh.

BUT THIS NEXT PAINTING IS BY FAR THE GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who likes it and this makes me a little sad.

so presumably the Master unearthed this sartorial gem from deep within the TARDIS’ giant walk-in closet, where it has quietly been hanging since Dodo Chaplet donned it during her brief stint as a companion back in Les Années Soixante.

And the Doctor’s like


he’s totally turned on though

boosh, rubbish, slash, sherlock, noel fielding, bad art, doctor who

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