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Comments 22

itwasatrickpie September 17 2011, 08:50:34 UTC
That looks delicious, I am so trying that out!


doctorpancakes September 18 2011, 23:57:38 UTC
It really is excellent, if I do say so myself. *swells with pride*


(The comment has been removed)

doctorpancakes September 19 2011, 00:09:08 UTC
Glad to be of porny service! :)


life_downsized September 17 2011, 09:35:30 UTC
At 2:17 in your video I think I spotted Nanatoo...
Was that painting a Turner?


doctorpancakes September 19 2011, 00:12:51 UTC
It's a miracle I emerged from that encounter unscathed!

Yep, it's a Turner! I'm a fan :)


bluestocking79 September 17 2011, 16:32:01 UTC
Soup sounds yummy! I will definitely be making that, now that it's ideal soup-making weather. (And singing the Soup Crimp nonstop while I do it. *g*)

I continue to LOVE LOVE LOVE your epic videos. I will pester Food Network and Travel Channel EVERY DAY to make "Sami Kelsh Eats the World" a real show. :D

Also: corn ice cream? For real? I've heard about that, but still can't entirely wrap my mind around it. (I'm too much of a Vince. Ice cream is for goopy sweet things!) Red Currant sounds delicious, though. Someday, when we take our epic food tour of France, I will take you to Berthillion, and we will eat nougatine and Nutella ice cream in the shadow of Notre Dame. :D


magicunicorn13 September 18 2011, 20:01:57 UTC
I've done that! It was lovely, France is generally quite lovely. Even if it was the hottest day in forever so I and my friend nearly boiled to death :(


bluestocking79 September 18 2011, 20:33:01 UTC
France can get unbearably hot in the summer, and Paris is in a basin, so it's VERY humid, too. (Although not as bad as Lourdes. I almost passed out in a phone booth there, it was so hot. I felt like I was roasting alive.)

But all of that is just further reason to get more glace from Berthillion, right? ;-)

I agree with you, though. France IS quite lovely. Magical, even, at least to me. I lived and studied in Paris and Tours for a while, and although I've been back since then, I still miss it (and the food). When I was living in Paris, I was about a ten minute walk from Berthillion, and my friends and I would somehow always find ourselves going back there so we could get cones and eat them on the bridge overlooking the river. :D

(BTW, why are we not friends? I need to rectify that!)


magicunicorn13 September 18 2011, 20:45:28 UTC
Oh dear, you poor thing. When we where sitting on a bench we saw a woman faint, luckily her partner caught her before she fell over :3

Indeed, Berthillion's so sweet and picturesce, my friend did a sketch from out over the river and it looked great. I would've done one too but I can't draw properly so there :P

You lucky lucky lucky thing. I can't believe that! Why is everyone so much more interesting than me on here, it's simply not fair.

Oh yaaay! Rectifying in place!


jadore_histoire September 18 2011, 03:49:21 UTC
I so want to try making that now :) And I love your video! Yay for the Frick Collection!


doctorpancakes September 19 2011, 00:24:29 UTC
Wish I could have got a picture of that hipster girl looking thoughtfully at a nice portrait while her hipster boyfriend was looking thoughtfully at her arse.



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