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bluestocking79 September 17 2011, 16:32:01 UTC
Soup sounds yummy! I will definitely be making that, now that it's ideal soup-making weather. (And singing the Soup Crimp nonstop while I do it. *g*)

I continue to LOVE LOVE LOVE your epic videos. I will pester Food Network and Travel Channel EVERY DAY to make "Sami Kelsh Eats the World" a real show. :D

Also: corn ice cream? For real? I've heard about that, but still can't entirely wrap my mind around it. (I'm too much of a Vince. Ice cream is for goopy sweet things!) Red Currant sounds delicious, though. Someday, when we take our epic food tour of France, I will take you to Berthillion, and we will eat nougatine and Nutella ice cream in the shadow of Notre Dame. :D


magicunicorn13 September 18 2011, 20:01:57 UTC
I've done that! It was lovely, France is generally quite lovely. Even if it was the hottest day in forever so I and my friend nearly boiled to death :(


bluestocking79 September 18 2011, 20:33:01 UTC
France can get unbearably hot in the summer, and Paris is in a basin, so it's VERY humid, too. (Although not as bad as Lourdes. I almost passed out in a phone booth there, it was so hot. I felt like I was roasting alive.)

But all of that is just further reason to get more glace from Berthillion, right? ;-)

I agree with you, though. France IS quite lovely. Magical, even, at least to me. I lived and studied in Paris and Tours for a while, and although I've been back since then, I still miss it (and the food). When I was living in Paris, I was about a ten minute walk from Berthillion, and my friends and I would somehow always find ourselves going back there so we could get cones and eat them on the bridge overlooking the river. :D

(BTW, why are we not friends? I need to rectify that!)


magicunicorn13 September 18 2011, 20:45:28 UTC
Oh dear, you poor thing. When we where sitting on a bench we saw a woman faint, luckily her partner caught her before she fell over :3

Indeed, Berthillion's so sweet and picturesce, my friend did a sketch from out over the river and it looked great. I would've done one too but I can't draw properly so there :P

You lucky lucky lucky thing. I can't believe that! Why is everyone so much more interesting than me on here, it's simply not fair.

Oh yaaay! Rectifying in place!


bluestocking79 September 18 2011, 21:17:50 UTC
Oh, I'm not that interesting! I just like shiny things and have been lucky enough to pick up a few decent stories from experiences here or there. You'll see; I'm really quite simple and easily amused. :-)

The experiences in France were almost entirely luck. I got a grant to study there the first time, and the last time I visited, it was because I had a friend who was studying law there, and she let me crash at hers.

I bet the sketch was lovely! That area really is picturesque. So glad you enjoyed your time there--and didn't faint.


magicunicorn13 September 18 2011, 21:35:58 UTC
Yay! We can be friends! I too have been told and now fully acknowledge my love of shiney objects and general excitable-ness which some find endearing but as to the reason I have none. Believe me I get so easily excited and amused by the littlest things. I find an old packet of gum, the days started well, I get friended on LJ, my day is made, I find a cute necklace, my week is made. My mates will justify this fact.

Well I do hope I get as lucky as you at some point in life (not a euphemism) And yes the sketch was very lovely and I'm glad I didn't faint as I have a tendancy to do that in very humid areas. It's one of my annoying 'bodily quirks' as my best friend says :P


bluestocking79 September 19 2011, 00:46:39 UTC
Hooray! I can tell that we're going to get along just fine, because that's a pretty fair description of me, too. I mean, I'm still happy that I got a free extra topping on my elephant ear last night, because the guy selling them was nice. :D

I hope you get lucky, too! (Not a euphemism. *g*)


magicunicorn13 September 20 2011, 15:22:10 UTC
Elephant ear! What the fuuuu-


bluestocking79 September 20 2011, 15:56:07 UTC
~collapses in giggles~

I forget that not everybody has heard that term! They're really common carnival food here, and they have nothing to do with elephants, I promise.

An Elelphant Ear is basically just fried dough, the shape and size of which obviously made somebody, at some point, start calling them elephant ears. (I think in parts of Canada, they're called beaver tails? There are probably 100 different names for them.) But anyway: a circle of chewy-delicious fried dough, sprinkled with cinnamon, sugar, and extra toppings if desired. I got mine slathered with Bavarian Cream (vanilla custard), because I have no shame.

They were also deep-frying enough other snack foods to make Scotland proud. ;-)


magicunicorn13 September 20 2011, 16:55:15 UTC
Oh right! :P

Haha, fair enough. I think we have those over here as well but they're not called Elephant ears :P Over here it depends on what area you're from or what kinda carnival it is but I think generally they're know as carnival fritters. I remeber sharing one with my friend once (because neither of us can finish a whole one and still go on the teacups :P) covered in nutella with choc chips in the middle with sugar on top. It, was, amazing.


bluestocking79 September 21 2011, 00:44:28 UTC
Oh, that sounds GENIUS. I wish Nutella had been an option!


magicunicorn13 September 21 2011, 17:37:50 UTC
It was genius. But we didn't go on the teacups in the end as we were both feeling rather ill. I tell you now, fried dough with chocolat with chocolate spread on top and sugar was not a good idea.

Still very yummy though :D


doctorpancakes September 19 2011, 00:19:43 UTC
I love soup making weather - soup is one of my favourite foods!

I WANT TO DO THIS SHOW REAL BAD. Feel free to pester the networks until they relent. I'll put together a reel of highlights of Me Eating Food for them.

Also, corn ice cream, for realsies. I was like O_o uhh... but it's sweet and kind of has all the positive corny elements of corn pops and caramel corn, but more refined.


(Can you tell I'm excited by this prospect?)


bluestocking79 September 19 2011, 00:42:37 UTC
Hmm, that might have actually convinced me that corn ice cream could work. ~is curious now~

By the way, speaking of ice cream, I saw a pint of Rum Raisin the other day and immediately thought, "That's Howard's beige ice cream." Just so you know that I'm insane. *g*


Dude. Paris ALONE. So many places to see, so much food to eat! There's a Tunisian bakery in the Latin Quarter, then there's the Rue de Rosiers (full of awesome delis and Jewish specialties), there's the Vietnamese and Korean restaurant district in the Montparnasse, and there is this tiny little restaurant on the Ile Saint-Louis that seems to totally disappear in the daytime, but it's open every evening (I swear, it's actually magical), and I had one of the most memorable dinners of my life there.

And then there's Fauchon. And Laduree. And Poilane. And alllllllll the markets, and the Rue Montorgeuil.

I kept a diary of all my tastings while I was in France. One of these days, I'd like to actually publish it.


doctorpancakes September 20 2011, 04:53:27 UTC
Oh man. All of this. I just... *drool*


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