Fic: Flying Lessons (7/12)

Nov 02, 2010 23:29

Flying Lessons (7/12)
by Me, doctorpancakes
Fandoms: Boosh/Barley crossover
Pairings: Dan/Jones and Howard/Vince
Rating: PG-13, this chapter
Word Count: 1371, this chapter (8826 so far)
Warnings: mobile phone peripheral bullshit
Disclaimer: Gee, I wonder if I own any of the characters in this story. SADLY NO D:
Author's Notes: So on Monday, my ( Read more... )

flying lessons, nathan fucking barley, dan/jones, fanfiction, crossover, howince

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Comments 27

krissi2 November 3 2010, 10:42:32 UTC
AH! Why do I have to be in the library right now... <.< I'll read this as soon as I'm home.. I just wanted to comment that I'm soo happy that you updated!! WOHO!

sry, you'll get a proper comment as soon as I read it! Promise!


doctorpancakes November 3 2010, 15:37:19 UTC
Aww, thanks! HAVE A HUG!



krissi2 November 4 2010, 06:55:41 UTC
so here I am again ;D

This.was.amazing! I could actually hear Nathan Barleys voice in my head!

“Everyone fancies me, Dan. It's my superpower!”

That line killed me! So funny ;D

And I really can't wait what happens next with Vince and Howard lost in the big, big city!


doctorpancakes November 4 2010, 18:47:46 UTC
*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* You are much too nice, thaaaaank yooooooou!


pitpony13 November 3 2010, 13:29:37 UTC
You have Nathan Barley's voice down perfectly! This chapter was awesome! I can't wait to see what happens between the granddad and Howard and Vince!


doctorpancakes November 3 2010, 15:45:15 UTC
Oh thanks, luv! Nathan kind of insinuated his way in and was like "Oi doll, if this story's based on a show named after me, shouldn't I be in it?" and I was like "here's a round-trip ticket to New York and an obnoxiously smart new phone. Go mental." and he was like "cheers Kelshipants, keep it foolish!" and off he went. Or something like that.


ftw302 November 3 2010, 13:59:25 UTC

Have Vince and Howard run into Mister Rogers?


doctorpancakes November 3 2010, 15:55:11 UTC
NATHAN FUCKING BARLEY. I'm just going to go ahead and assume that his middle name actually is fucking.

But is it really Mister Rogers? Will they visit his magical backyard with those puppets and stuff? WILL THEY LEARN IMPORTANT LESSONS ABOUT STUFF LIKE SHARING??? TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT, AND SHIT!


thevelvet_onion November 3 2010, 15:46:14 UTC
ALSO, BARLEY. The description was top notch! <3


doctorpancakes November 3 2010, 15:56:24 UTC
Sexual face. SEXUAL FACE. I like saying this.




jadore_histoire November 3 2010, 17:20:07 UTC

I've never seen Nathan Barley, but he sounds like a douche. And yay Vince for saving Dan - his brain cell must have been working overtime to think of that!

Oh Howard...socks and sandals are NEVER appropriate dress for a party! No wonder Vince was keeping his distance for most of the night heh.


doctorpancakes November 3 2010, 17:34:37 UTC
Nathan Barley's a douche. Sometimes you almost want to hug him, but then he ruins it by being a douche again. Though I think I mostly have a soft spot for him because he is SO MUCH LIKE a mate of mine, who DOES have handlebars. Except my mate's actually a very lovely fellow and not a tosser, but apart from that...

YOU NEED TO SEE NATHAN BARLEY, INCIDENTALLY. But here's an educational clip from episode one to get you started!

Also I KNOW. Socks and sandals are never appropriate dress for anywhere, ever. But you have to kind of love Howard's well-intentioned attempts at cool. :)


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