Fic: Flying Lessons (7/12)

Nov 02, 2010 23:29

Flying Lessons (7/12)
by Me, doctorpancakes
Fandoms: Boosh/Barley crossover
Pairings: Dan/Jones and Howard/Vince
Rating: PG-13, this chapter
Word Count: 1371, this chapter (8826 so far)
Warnings: mobile phone peripheral bullshit
Disclaimer: Gee, I wonder if I own any of the characters in this story. SADLY NO D:
Author's Notes: So on Monday, my ( Read more... )

flying lessons, nathan fucking barley, dan/jones, fanfiction, crossover, howince

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Comments 27

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doctorpancakes November 4 2010, 03:19:27 UTC
I'm so confused now. So you remember something, but you don't, but you do, but you don't, or something? WHAT IS HAPPENING

BE NOT NERVOUS. OH CRAP. BE NOT NERVOUS. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think there was some kind of chemistry between those two, but I trust them. You should too.


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doctorpancakes November 7 2010, 20:42:35 UTC
I like your head. It's a nice place to be.

Men's cocks are not to be trusted.

Granted. Naughty bits in general are not to be trusted, I would venture.


savanna_says_hi November 3 2010, 21:51:57 UTC
Just then, Jones could be heard over the music, shouting “Dan Ashcroft is the greatest literary voice of his generation!” YES.

sexual tea kettle <-- Not entirely sure what that would look like but it made me laugh XD XD


doctorpancakes November 4 2010, 03:47:36 UTC
I'm pretty sure Howard thinks it looks something like *points to icon* but actually it's just mildly alarming.


luridlolly November 3 2010, 23:11:06 UTC
“Everyone fancies me, Dan. It's my superpower!” --I did this really stupid chortle/giggle when I read this XD I LOVE IT. SO GENIUS.

And bravo, Dan, for finally owning up to the bumming you and Jones have been doing! Even if just to shake up Nathan fucking Barley. It's a good start!

I also adored "Self-Loathing Treacle"!! And all the rest, for sure, but those are my very favorite bits :DDDDD


doctorpancakes November 4 2010, 04:17:32 UTC
I KNOW, right?! I'm so proud of Dan. HE TOTALLY WON THAT ONE. Squeeeeeeeeee I'm so glad you like it!


jezziejay November 6 2010, 00:06:37 UTC
Nathan Fucking Barley - stay the fuck away from Dan Ashcroft's wonderful novel! And for that matter, his sister. Or else...:)

And I love people with no sense of direction - being one of them myself!

This just continues to be awesome!

PS - Is J. Yeah! going to be showing up???


doctorpancakes November 6 2010, 05:39:42 UTC
Nathan fucking Barley is so great. I just want to hug him. And then probably deliver a swift knee to his groin. He's got it coming.

I, too, have no sense of direction. I once got lost like five times trying to find a train station. It was so confusing - the buildings in that part of the city were ALL THE SAME SHADE OF BROWN, I couldn't tell the difference! :(

And as for what, or who, may make an appearance in upcoming installments, well. That would be telling, wouldn't it?

(Completely Unrelated Sidenote: I will say with absolute certainty that I'm 2894 words into a chapter [or more probably two, as it's getting longer than I'd anticipated] of The Epic Love Story of Dan Ashcroft and Jonatton Yeah? because I can't leave those two alone ever.)


jezziejay November 6 2010, 17:27:09 UTC
THAT. IS. SOOOOOO. EXCITING. coz I totally ship Dan and Jonatton. I'm so pleased that you can't leave them alone!!!
What would such a ship be called (apart from 'awesome')? Jonadan? Danatton??


doctorpancakes November 7 2010, 06:11:46 UTC
Yeah, I literally can't leave them alone. Perhaps somewhat to the detriment of, like, all the papers and junk I have to get done in the next three weeks, for that matter. AND GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS. I CAN'T EVEN. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

But yeah. SO GLAD YOU SHIP THEM TOO! I just call them D/J? by means of a shorthand, but Danatton is kind of hilarious too. Jonatton would think it was funny, Dan would hate it.


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