I think my icon says it all. I remember there being HUGE wank over Eleven's look and how stupid the bowtie looked and the tweed jacket and and and because it wasn't cool like Nine's leather jacket or Ten's sexy suits. I thought Eleven's look was cute and given that I'm an Old School fan who had to suffer through Six's gawdawful clothes and Seven's ridiculous everything-covered-in-question-marks, I wasn't fussed at all. I thought it made him look kind of like a nutty college professor or a slightly mad graduate student (I had a friend when I was in grad school was that kind of old-young guy -- he was about thirty and dressed in tweed jackets with elbow patches and nice trousers and it was just suited his personality). The boots are wonderfully hip as are the rolled up trousers (which we soon learned were both Matt's own trademark!) and really, it just works for Eleven. It would be silly if he dressed like Nine or Ten (or any of the other eight Doctors who preceeded him
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The red sweater came about because Santa Moff thought it was more Red Riding Hood like, playing into the whole fairytale thing. Karen looks really pretty in the sea green though!
Wow -- I had no clue about the Amy thing although that makes total sense. I remember seeing her on the first day of shooting and wondering if she had a whole wardrobe of hoodies and Converse hi-tops!
I've nothing much to contribute other than to say that this is one of my favourite shots of Eleven and Amy. It's so cute, and Karen looks amazing in seafoam green. That chappie next to her looks a bit of alright, too.
Comments 24
I did from the first moment I saw it.
Nuff said.
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