Title: Willpower and contingency plans
Pairing: FujikitaxKitayama - kind of
Appearances by: SMYT2, Tsukada and Kawai (A.B.C-Z)
Summary: This time, he really means it. Never again will he let Kitayama talk him into taking him home.
Warning: Not happy. And angtsy. And not happy.
Reposted from shiritori at
writetomyheart (
FujugayaxKitayama, PG13, 2514 words )
Comments 4
You always hurt taipi...
Hope there will be a part 2 or part 3 or part 4....
Dont let them end like this......=(
I feel for you taipi...=(
I torture my poor Taipi. But I love him. Thank you for reading.
I will try and finish it.
Kitayama is such a dumb ass and hurting Taipi... And all of Ebikisu know that Kitayama is hurting Taipi... But I want a happy Taipi. And a happy Kitayama. And Taipi and Kitayama are ony happy together!
Please, please, please, this screams 'sequel'!
I will probably write a second part to this.
But first I need to work on that other fic.
But thank you for reading.
I have been doubting that I am any good in this fandom, since I am so new to it.
So your comments mean a lot to me. So thank you <3
I will do my best to finish other things and come back to this.
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