
Apr 07, 2008 20:01

(B had decided long ago that the hallways were really the only safe place in the Mansion. But just thinking that probably changed everything, he thinks and shrugs, continuing down a more unfamiliar hallway. He's never gone this way before, and by the looks of it, neither has anyone else. Most likely because the area is dark and gloomy, but he doesn ( Read more... )

!room, nightmare room, b

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Comments 246

justiceishot April 8 2008, 00:35:10 UTC
(There's a sound of a yell, and it alerts L. Immediately dropping the book he'd been reading, he jumps to his feet and darts off toward the sound. After a few moments, he reaches the door, where he can hear sobbing, and jerks it open, staring inside. For a moment, all he can see is the child, crying, and he makes to head for him, but...

The sight of B distracts him.)

B? What's...?

(Pauses... there's-- who is that? There's someone on the floor a few feet away from the mother and child, and L's heart gives a painful thump; is that--?)


(With a sort of strangled noise L runs and skids toward the body, which is injured in a way similar to how he'd been injured when B had almost killed him. L's eyes widen in fear, and he shakes at the form on the ground, tears filling his eyes. Of course, it isn't the real Beyond, but... he doesn't know that.)

B-B-B! It's--


lue_theday April 8 2008, 00:37:15 UTC
(Luxaky tends to stay in the hallways as well, if he's not in L's room or the kitchen, and so he's walking along... and he hears his own voice in a yell.

Which means that there's probably one of the Bs in trouble. And if it's his... well, Luxaky isn't going to take the chance of leaving whoever it is there and having it be his B.

He looks, now, for wherever the voice might have come from-- and he notices that it's getting rather... dark, around here. There's an open door, and Luxaky peers inside--)


(Then his eyes go wide, so, so wide-- because B's really just a body on the floor all covered in blood and-- when Luxaky looks down at his hands, they're covered in blood, too. And he knows that he's the one who did it.

And he can't even make a sound, he's so terrified.

And then he sees L (he pays no attention to the boy and the woman, because he's too horrified by the blood on his own hands and shirt), L on the ground, dead dead dead, and he knows he did that, too.

And he wails.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 00:50:25 UTC
(The wail... it's familiar, why is it...?

L turns around and looks back slightly, almost unwillingly, not wanting to look away from Beyond, but then... looks and sees... the real Beyond. What? But...)


(Stares for a moment, then looks back at the bloody form on the ground, and his heart clenches painfully. What's going on? He KNOWS the form on the ground is Beyond, but he knows the one standing, looking terrified, is Beyond too... L glances down at his hands, which are also covered in blood, and makes a pained noise. What's happening?)


lue_theday April 8 2008, 00:54:49 UTC
(All he sees are L's eyes opening, but god, that's a terrifying thing. Beyond shakes his head wildly and steps back, making a frightened little sound.)


(He's a murderer now, isn't he? He's a murderer, just like he knew he would be one day, and L and B-- he's killed them.)

L is--
Didn't mean to, I didn't want...

(And he is so, so scared. He can smell the blood; taste it, as it's splattered on his face a bit. And it's all over his hands, and...)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 00:58:59 UTC
(The form on the floor... it's dissolving. L blinks, and the room shimmers a bit, ridding itself of the fear, now that it's plan had been foiled. L glances down at his hands, which still appear to be bloody, but merely shudders and stands up shakily. Beyond is... alive. God, he's so relieved.

But the room is torturing Beyond and B, and L WILL NOT have that.)

Beyond, wait--

(L moves toward Beyond, slowly, wondering what it was that Beyond was seeing. B hadn't moved, and L was worried about him, too, but...)

Beyond, whatever you're seeing, it isn't real--


goggleboy03 April 8 2008, 01:21:55 UTC
*Matt investigates the yell as well. He's unable to see what's going on inside the room from outside of it, so steps carefully inside. Once in he stops, short, taking in a quick breath of air.
There was a body on the floor. And Matt had the feeling he really didn't want to look down at it.*


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:24:28 UTC
(Is frantic, now)
Matt! Matt, help, Beyond, he's--

(Bites his lip, watching, hoping Matt isn't going to freak out like Beyond has...)


goggleboy03 April 8 2008, 01:27:42 UTC
*Matt turns his gaze slowly to L, but it takes him a few moments to show recognition of the man. In Matt's mind, the room is covered in flame and he can just barely make out three shapes--it had been two before L called to him, intruding upon his nightmare. He opens his mouth to say something, but doesn't manage to make a sound. He hears the words L says, but doesn't quite manage to process them. And he's torn, because the scene playing out to him is imporant. He doesn't want to look away, but he doesn't want to watch it either. He furrows his brow, trying to focus on L*


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:37:19 UTC
(Eyes wide... L doesn't want to move from Beyond's side, but Matt's his friend just as much--)

It isn't real, I've already gotten through it!
Don't fall under it, I need help--
(Sounds desperate)


bthejam April 8 2008, 01:32:44 UTC
[Little B had decided to leave the room he was once inhabiting to a nice walk in the hallways. Just patting about he heard some yelling and decided to follow it wondering if anyone was in danger. The hallway was dark and gloomy but he could still catch sight of someone, or something. He takes light steps near the two unindentified bodies.]

Hello, are you okay? [He crouched down]

My little boy is with me, he is, he is~

[Young little B raised a brow confused as to what she said]

Miss, are you okay?

[Suddenly he saw two piercing ice blue eyes]

You are not welcome. Go away, the boy, he is mine.[B approached the lady ignoring her warning. He gasped upon seeing L under her grasp. He gazed dully at whichever direction he faced ( ... )


justiceishot April 8 2008, 04:03:39 UTC
(Isn't sure what little B is seeing, but L has decided it's his job to get everybody out. He moves over to B, crouching next to him, and looking worried, glacing up to what B seems to be looking at)

Little B... hey, it isn't real--
Do you want me to help you? I can try.


bthejam April 8 2008, 05:40:11 UTC
(Looks up to L, tears sliding down his cheeks)

She won't let go of L... She won't, she won't, she won't, she won't!

B-but it is real... (Buries his face in his little hands)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 05:43:36 UTC
(Smooths back Little B's hair, smiling reassuringly as possible)
It's okay, I'll...
You go out of this room and I'll get L back for you.
Is that okay?
Do you think you could do that for me?


near_ly April 8 2008, 02:14:17 UTC
*Near hears a yelling, there's a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach because of it; so he goes to investigate, and alleviate that feeling. He peers inside the room, leaning over the frame; "It looks safe enough," and the moment he steps inside he looks ecstatic! His grins broadly, his eye is back! He pulls off the eye patch, closes his eye, and feels it delicately with his fingertips*

*Suddenly, a knife appears in his hand, he glances over at it, not moving his head; he can't. His arm moves of his own accord, and the knife lies in front of his newly restored right eye, his left arm flies up to pull the other one back, but it inches closer, closer...closer.*

Nonononono, help, HELP! PLEASE!

*he tugs at his arm, but it doesn't move, and he starts to sob.*


justiceishot April 8 2008, 04:09:59 UTC
(Moves quickly, stumbling a little as he makes his way toward Near; he grabs Near's arm, and growls)

It's... not real, just think it's not real and it'll stop--
(As a last ditch effort, L puts his hand over Near's eye, the one that's about to be stabbed, trying to protect Near)


near_ly April 8 2008, 19:44:20 UTC
*starts to sob harder as the 'knife' advances; doesn't seem to buy into the whole 'it's not real' business. Starts shouting, his voice high and cracking.* No! L, move your hand! It's real, it's real! D-don't--I don't want to stab you--move it!


justiceishot April 8 2008, 22:25:48 UTC
(A small noise of frustration escapes L's lips as he pulls at Near's arm, his hand still staying over Near's eye)

It's fine, I'd rather have my hand stabbed than your eye--

(Bites his lip)

((Feel free to stab him, heh. Oh, and sorry about not getting Mello into the sexuality thread; my computer wouldn't load it, it had too many replies. T_T ))


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