
Apr 07, 2008 20:01

(B had decided long ago that the hallways were really the only safe place in the Mansion. But just thinking that probably changed everything, he thinks and shrugs, continuing down a more unfamiliar hallway. He's never gone this way before, and by the looks of it, neither has anyone else. Most likely because the area is dark and gloomy, but he doesn ( Read more... )

!room, nightmare room, b

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lue_theday April 8 2008, 00:37:15 UTC
(Luxaky tends to stay in the hallways as well, if he's not in L's room or the kitchen, and so he's walking along... and he hears his own voice in a yell.

Which means that there's probably one of the Bs in trouble. And if it's his... well, Luxaky isn't going to take the chance of leaving whoever it is there and having it be his B.

He looks, now, for wherever the voice might have come from-- and he notices that it's getting rather... dark, around here. There's an open door, and Luxaky peers inside--)


(Then his eyes go wide, so, so wide-- because B's really just a body on the floor all covered in blood and-- when Luxaky looks down at his hands, they're covered in blood, too. And he knows that he's the one who did it.

And he can't even make a sound, he's so terrified.

And then he sees L (he pays no attention to the boy and the woman, because he's too horrified by the blood on his own hands and shirt), L on the ground, dead dead dead, and he knows he did that, too.

And he wails.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 00:50:25 UTC
(The wail... it's familiar, why is it...?

L turns around and looks back slightly, almost unwillingly, not wanting to look away from Beyond, but then... looks and sees... the real Beyond. What? But...)


(Stares for a moment, then looks back at the bloody form on the ground, and his heart clenches painfully. What's going on? He KNOWS the form on the ground is Beyond, but he knows the one standing, looking terrified, is Beyond too... L glances down at his hands, which are also covered in blood, and makes a pained noise. What's happening?)


lue_theday April 8 2008, 00:54:49 UTC
(All he sees are L's eyes opening, but god, that's a terrifying thing. Beyond shakes his head wildly and steps back, making a frightened little sound.)


(He's a murderer now, isn't he? He's a murderer, just like he knew he would be one day, and L and B-- he's killed them.)

L is--
Didn't mean to, I didn't want...

(And he is so, so scared. He can smell the blood; taste it, as it's splattered on his face a bit. And it's all over his hands, and...)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 00:58:59 UTC
(The form on the floor... it's dissolving. L blinks, and the room shimmers a bit, ridding itself of the fear, now that it's plan had been foiled. L glances down at his hands, which still appear to be bloody, but merely shudders and stands up shakily. Beyond is... alive. God, he's so relieved.

But the room is torturing Beyond and B, and L WILL NOT have that.)

Beyond, wait--

(L moves toward Beyond, slowly, wondering what it was that Beyond was seeing. B hadn't moved, and L was worried about him, too, but...)

Beyond, whatever you're seeing, it isn't real--


lue_theday April 8 2008, 01:02:44 UTC
(Beyond, right now, can't hear L-- can just see him dead, dead and bloody, and he gasps and stumbles away from L a little, covering his face with his bloody hands.)

No... no, no, nononono, I didn't want--
S-Sorry, so very sorry, Beyond did not-- Birthday didn't mean to, L, and I...

(He's afraid. He's never... never been this afraid before. He stumbles again until his back hits the wall, then slides down into an awkward, crumpled sitting position. For a moment he peeks out between red-stained fingers, then makes a choked little sound and closes his eyes again.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:07:17 UTC
(L moves closer, stubbornly, his face both severely concerned and a little determined. Beyond was hurting, and he'd promised to never let that happen, he had to fix this...somehow)

Beyond... Shh, no, you didn't...
You didn't do anything to me, Beyond.
I'm fine, see?

(Crouches down in front of Beyond, extending an arm gently, not wanting to scare him. He moves a bit, as if to show Beyond he's okay, and then pauses, leaning forward a bit to put a hand over Beyond's hand)

Listen, it's okay... it's the room, it isn't real!


lue_theday April 8 2008, 01:14:29 UTC
(L is moving, and Beyond doesn't understand why-- but his mind clings to the fear and when L touches him, he squeezes his eyes shut and gives the closest thing to a scream he ever has before, pressing his bloody hands to his face and curling up into himself. He killed, he killed; he's a murderer, and oh, oh, this is so horrifying to him. He remembers everything anyone's ever told him about it--

He remembers that the other Beyond Birthdays, so many of them are murderers as well.

He trembles, shakes so badly. His mind just won't let it go.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:21:54 UTC
(That scream; L winces terribly and withdraws his hand hurriedly, looking terrified. This isn't good, not at all, and L is starting to panic. Beyond isn't all that stable, and whatever he's seeing isn't going to help at all. L makes shhhh-ing noises, quietly, his eyes still teary, and fumbles around a bit, trying to figure out what to do)

Beyond, shhh, it's okay, don't...
Beyond, look at me!
It isn't real!

(The shaking is really not helping L concentrate on helping Beyond... his frantic mind goes through every possible choice he could make. Maybe he could get Beyond out of there. Would that work?)


lue_theday April 8 2008, 01:28:34 UTC
Lying, lying, lying...

(His voice is a panicked mumble right now, and he repeats the word over and over to himself, shaking his head again and again. And then, after a moment, he gives a little cry of:)

L shouldn't-- be able to lie, not now! Just... just don't...

(He should be past this now, as he can hear L and feel L and everything like that, but-- but he won't believe it, won't let himself, and there's still B...)

D-Didn't-- didn't mean too-- maybe I did, though; did I? Oh oh oh...

(He shakes his head frantically again, leaning forward a bit, desperately.)

Won't look-- won't look! No no no, I don't-- want to see, oh oh, don't want to see, not anymore, I can't...
I can't. I don't...

(His hands are fisted against his eyes now, and he's crying, his tears mingling with the blood on his cheeks. It's like the dreams he has, right now, but he knows he isn't sleeping-- and oh god, he's a murderer.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:33:36 UTC
(Makes a small noise of helplessness, and then leans forward, hugging Beyond close)

Please, it's okay, just listen!
What did you... do?
What do you think you did?
It's fine, I'm all right, you should be too.
We both have to be okay, remember? Remember?

(His voice cracks a little, from the stress; his mind isn't stable at the moment either, and it's hard to stay focused, really really hard)
I have to-- get you out of here, come on, we--

(Tries to move Beyond, a little weakly)


lue_theday April 8 2008, 01:38:02 UTC
(Shakes his head more as L hugs him, but can't find it in himself to pull away; he just sits there, trembling, fists pressed to his eyes.)

Killed-- killed-- L, I did, you're not... you're-- B is-- I, oh oh oh, L. Oh oh oh.
Did it-- feel good? Did it feel good? Oh god, L, I think it did.

(He pulls his hands away from his eyes, tilting his head back and staring up at the ceiling, looking both helpless and like he might start laughing.)

It did. It did, didn't it? I didn't... want...


justiceishot April 8 2008, 01:45:54 UTC
(Pulls Beyond a little harder, trying madly to get him to move towards the door; he'd get B in a minute, he just HAD to help Beyond, right now, that's all that matters--)

No, no, you didn't, Beyond, I promise.
I'm fine, it's all right, I'm okay, and...
And I'm going to get B, I just have to get you out of here, first, okay? I have to--

(Makes another helpless sound, scooping Beyond up and trying to move toward the door)
It doesn't matter, Beyond, it's okay, it doesn't matter if it was good, since you didn't do it--


lue_theday April 8 2008, 01:54:01 UTC
(Wails a little bit, sounding utterly... despairing. He looks up at L with red-rimmed eyes, his hair in his face, sticking to the blood on his forehead and cheeks in some places. His voice is questioning, shaky, afraid:)

Why, L? Why?

(He presses his hand to L's chest, looking down at the red stains he's making on L's shirt.)

This is-- all gone now.
Birthday had not meant to take it away, L...

(His face contorts a bit, and he struggles in L's arms, shaking his head.)

Nononono! I can't can't can't, oh oh, I can't...


justiceishot April 8 2008, 03:55:06 UTC
(His heart breaks in two, and he almost can't even move; it's like the room is draining him of his energy. Beyond's wail and his utterly helpless look is painful to look at)

I don't... I don't know, Beyond, it's--

(Sniffs a little, wincing at the hand on his chest)

It's not... It's not gone, I'm still here--!

(L almost drops Beyond as he struggles, but catches him at the last second, and holds him even closer, shaking a little)
I'm sorry, Beyond, I'm sorry...


lue_theday April 8 2008, 04:02:55 UTC
(He blinks a little, rather disbelievingly, when L says that he's still there-- and he quiets, still looking terrified but no longer moving around or making any sounds. He stares up at L still, but instead of looking helpless, he just looks as if he doesn't know what's going on.

He looks down at his hand again, blinking, then pulls it away, bringing his still-red thumb to his mouth, only serving to stain his lips as well; he doesn't seem to notice.)


justiceishot April 8 2008, 04:06:01 UTC
(Manages to carry Beyond out of the room, exhaustedly, and sets him down outside of the room; with a shuddery sigh, L crouches next to Beyond and looks at him, eyes huge and worried)

I'm here. I'm here.

(Repeats this a few times; he's on the edge, right now, shaking wildly)


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