Title: Through Glass Doors, or, as a friend kindly suggested, Murder Through the Glass Door.
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Sanji, Zoro (though this may not be immediately evident)
Notes: This work is subpar, yet I'm so tired I fail to care overly much. The satisfaction of actually getting a work done is enough for me, since I haven't had the
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Comments 14
Do you have a preference when it comes to reading direction?
I like stories that have a base of truth or reality to them. I know it's hard to put these guys into a RL situation and keep them cannon, but I've seen it done, so I know there is hope. Happy endings aren't always necessary, though it will need some closure at some point. The stories that catch my attention and remain in my heart are the ones that take me along with the adventure and make me feel everything the main character in the story is going through. If I can laugh, cry, scream (in both terror or anger) and get hot, then it's a treasure. That is what i look for.
On a side note, your icon is absolutely hilarious!
As for your questions, I think if it's a fan comic, using the same reading direction as the original is the easiest, since it's the one most people are used to. At least I find myself reading some fan stuff the wrong way around when they change the direction. In a reversed situation I'd probably be equally confused if a Spiderman comic would be presented in the direction of japanese manga. XD;
Unfortunately I don't really have a good overview regarding fight scenes involving Zoro and Sanji right now; in the latest chapters there wasn't much, but if you look through older or middle chapters, there should be a lot. You can either check them online at sites like onemanga.com or download them from stoptazmo.com or similar places.
Thanks for your input. I'm of a similar mind re: direction. It's probably best to stick to what people know.
Initially I had it in mind to have more sexual innuendo and less of the blood/horror element...guess that plan went awry ^^
Yeah, sometimes art takes a life of its own. ;)
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