FANART (One Piece): "Through Glass Doors" (Sanji + Zoro)

May 07, 2009 01:34

Title: Through Glass Doors, or, as a friend kindly suggested, Murder Through the Glass Door.

Fandom: One Piece

Characters: Sanji, Zoro (though this may not be immediately evident)

Notes: This work is subpar, yet I'm so tired I fail to care overly much. The satisfaction of actually getting a work done is enough for me, since I haven't had the time to do so due to uni. I may revamp it later on, because while I'm not overjoyed with the execution, I rather like the concept.

As for the potential story behind the piece? I had something in mind, but I think I'll leave it to the mind of the viewer ^^

Will cross-post to communities when I'm not utterly exhausted.

Click on image for full size picture.


EDIT: AND BEFORE I FORGET, A QUESTION AND A REQUEST: I'm considering trying my hand at a short fancomic at some point in the future.

First, the question: left to right, or right to left? I have no preference when it comes to reading, but I'd be curious to know what others think.

Second, the request: I haven't actually read the manga past the first few chapters. I'd like to have a look at a few reference images of how Sanji and Zoro fight from the manga (both against each other as well as against other opponents). Is there a kind soul out there who could link me to some? The more the merrier. It would be very much appreciated ^^

For the textures: credit goes to shadowh3 for the wood texture, gild_a_stock for the frosted glass and cloaks for the cloth texture in the background.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, nor do I make any profit by creating fanworks which derive from it.

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zoro, art, one piece, digital, fanart, sanji

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