Story Or Series Title: LMMNA is our name yo
Fandom: Death Note
Culprit Author's Name:
Maoh Sakura Full Name (plus titles if any): Annik
Full Species(es): everyone-convenient-loves-her!Sue
Hair Color (include adjectives): n/a?
Eye Color (include adjectives): n/a?
Unusual Markings/Colorations: n/a?
Special Possessions (if any): a black cape she
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Comments 9
Btw, Anonymous, deal with it. ;o
Yes, because wpm just displays intellect so well. (That's like saying that a boat capable of doing a ridiculous amount of knots per hour is a seaworthy vessel.)
The misplaced modifier and commaphobia is strong with this one.
Also, there are encrypted networks that no; you can't hack. Not even uberspecial faux nerds slapped together by a squealing fangirl should be able to hack them. If a guy who wields power over Interpol like a leash over a puppy is going to agree to have an orphanage run in his honor, he's probably going to have one of these networks. (Incidentally, why do so few people understand the basics of hacking? They seem to be under the impression that you hit some kind of 'invade' key and you're in.)
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