
Dec 17, 2010 15:01

Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme! (#2)

How it works:

* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this huge list of kinks by eliade. ( Read more... )

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BxLxA anonymous February 21 2011, 22:57:41 UTC

B sneaks into L's room while he's sleeping and crawls into bed with him. A follows, slipping in on the other side of L. B gets pissed and a battle in hushed whispers ensues, as not to wake L.

Bonus points if writer can actually smut this. Without L waking.


Re: BxLxA anonymous July 4 2011, 16:44:04 UTC


Cuddling [Part 1] anonymous August 14 2011, 20:30:48 UTC

It was a hot night, and A had left both his window and his door open, to allow a stiff breeze to blow straight through. He wished, not for the first time, that he had been allowed a basement room, down there in the cool, windowless earth. If allowed, it would be a place with no distractions, no weather fluctuations, and no eye-stabbing beams of sunlight to work around during the day as they poured through the window and sought out every nook, ever changing their angles.

But that place was for L. The entire maze of basement rooms and the rumored sub-basement had been taken by L. Almost nobody knew who L was, but A knew, and he knew that B knew as well. Others suspected, many of them, but they were too smart to voice their suspicions. Each one who did was soon after made to look like an idiot in an event that seemed as if it could not have been engineered by L or by any of the staff.

The real L quietly worked away on his cases, only rarely exiting from his basement fortress, all the while pretending to be an intern who worked for the real ( ... )


Cuddling [Part 2] anonymous August 14 2011, 20:32:44 UTC

Surely B couldn't have cracked the codes again? But, if he did... I must protect L. It's probably nothing. B is likely just following them for no reason but to watch, and he can't get into L's rooms... maybe.

A waited the appropriate amount of time and then followed. He did not see B anywhere on the trip, or hardly anyone else for that matter. It was too late for most. He stopped a few times just on the other side of corners that were perfect for ambushing, in case B had actually doubled back to follow him in turn, but no B appeared.

At last, A stood before the metal doors that were the entrance to L's underground lair, and typed in the new code he'd managed to decipher just a few days before, hoping it was still good. The doors slid open with almost no sound at all, and A stepped into a long, carpeted hallway with rich wood-paneled walls and decorated with occasional oil paintings and small tables holding sprays of dried flower arrangements.

L's bedroom was the third door on the left, the place where the servants had undoubtedly left L ( ... )


Cuddling [Part 3] anonymous August 14 2011, 20:34:10 UTC

When L's breathing had become regular and deep once more, B's hand came up, the skin just slightly darker than L's milky-pale shade despite B's best efforts to stay out of the sun, and peeled back the blanket. A made a low, disapproving hiss as B slowly, slowly rolled the blanket down, revealing L's curled body, his back and shoulders facing A and his black shock of hair nearly tickling A's nose. The blanket continued slowly receding until all was revealed, L in his usual everyday clothing.

"See," B hissed, "I'm not molesting him. He hates the blanket anyway. Staff always tries to put him under one but he sleeps better without."

"You could do it later! If I wasn't watching now, who knows if you'd be trying to rape him?"

B blinked and with finality in his voice, said, "It can't happen. He'll wake from any strong touch or if I try to uncurl his legs."

"So you've tried it!"

"No, I just..."

B nibbled on his finger in a disconcertingly L-like way, and then added, "I just tried to snuggle better a few times, that's all."

A whispered harshly, "I'll ( ... )


Cuddling [Part 4] anonymous August 14 2011, 20:35:32 UTC

A whispered, "His hair is softer than yours, B."

Trembles ran through A's body and he tried to still them in case L might wake up, but, no, L seemed to be quite a deep sleeper and A wanted to hold L close forever and guard over him. The three of them were a knotted ball of a group hug, two combative, one utterly oblivious.

B said, "It's nice to hold him."

"Yes," A reluctantly agreed.

A held him and held him and never wanted to let go. There was the perfect excuse, as long as B was present. L must be protected.

B softly murmured, "Alternate, do you... what do you think of him?"

"He's perfect. Better than any of us."

"Nobody's perfect. L was the worst when he didn't tell us that some of those practice cases were ongoing and real, with criminals who could escape if we made the wrong decisions. Do you touch yourself and think of him?"

A could feel a blush burning his face, hopefully hidden by the near-darkness of the room.

B's hand settled on A's thigh. A was about to speak when B said, "Hush, I won't tell. Don't think of me. Think of L. Hold him ( ... )


Cuddling [Part 5] {The Last} anonymous August 14 2011, 20:36:48 UTC

They both lay in the darkness, thinking their own thoughts in silence for what may have been hours, until A was finding himself almost falling asleep snuggled along L's protective warmth.

"We'll go now," A whispered.

B carefully extracted himself and A did the same, careful to make no sudden movements. L looked as oblivious as ever, all alone now, curled on his side with his chin thrust down between his knees. With a scowl, B pulled the blanket over him, slowly, slowly, until it was just as the servants had left L.

A imagined L becoming thinner and thinner every year, crumbling away, dying. A felt his conscience pricking at him, a feeling of wrongness backed up by all too much in the form of logic. L was L, and sooner or later L would find out.

B would have to be watched every time, and it would happen again. The snuggling, the touching, the role-playing would all repeat the same way unless A could personally put a stop to it, to resist the allure and to simply turn B in, damn the consequences.

As they exited and the metal doors slid shut ( ... )


Oh my god anonymous December 25 2011, 03:42:59 UTC
I remember putting this prompt in. I've all but forgotten about it.

Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

Thank you, Anon! It's good to see that there are still amazing people writing for DN.

*so happy*


Writer anonymous December 26 2011, 22:58:47 UTC


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