Вс, 08:03: RT @ simongerman600: “I’ve been sent this lovely chart showing nested synonyms for popular adjectives without a source. Still worth sharing.…
Ср, 07:41: RT @ simongerman600: Listening to audiobooks apparently leads to the same neurological stimulus than reading. As an avid listener of audiobo…
Пн, 17:39: RT @ ifrc: #HurricaneDorian has caused extensive damage - as many as 13,000 houses damaged or destroyed - across the Bahamas. Hundreds of tr…
Сб, 07:29: RT @ simongerman600: In the red countries you can download YouTube videos without having a paid premium YouTube account. Source: https://t.c…
Сб, 07:29: RT @ simongerman600: The Fergana Valley Region. A tricky piece of land to navigate... Uzbekistan owns the valley. Kyrgyzstan owns the mounta
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Чт, 12:33: RT @ RusEmbBul: Молодежная организация российских соотечественников в Болгарии провела субботник на 91-м мемориальном участке Центрального с…
Ср, 08:38: RT @ storywithdata: "Your Friendly Guide to Colors in Data Visualisation"-fantastic list of color-related tools and resources for your #data…