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Comments 9

eilonwy1 November 2 2011, 05:42:15 UTC
This is a really powerful mood piece, haunting and visceral. I felt quite moved by it.

Draco has never been good with affection, let alone conversation, but he has secured her to life more than she can count in recent months.

The second part of that sentence is particularly striking. I think everyone in a situation of war or other calamity needs someone to anchor them, hold them steady, keep them moving forward instead of just giving up. This story speaks to something powerful and enduring and life-saving between them, a silent understanding, a bond. For something that was written at the last minute, this is impressive!


ldymusyc November 2 2011, 05:59:56 UTC
Oh, some warmth and hopefulness in the midst of the cold and darkness of war. Very nice.


mccargi November 2 2011, 15:10:11 UTC
Wow, just wow. I think you underestimate how powerful something without an over, action plot can be. This snippet is moving and raw, you can almost fill in the plot lines in your own mind as they extend from this single moment in the story. Brilliantly done!


strawberry_kait November 2 2011, 17:00:51 UTC
Had to read this three times, because the first two times I was left feeling desperate; wasn't til the last time I realized they were out of immediate danger. I especially like the rhythm of this piece -- almost like a pounding heart that gradually begins to calm down and accept.

Very nicely done!


d_vivace November 2 2011, 17:40:27 UTC
Oh this was so good! Really haunting and moody. I loved this line:

Draco has never been good with affection, let alone conversation, but he has secured her to life more than she can count in recent months.

I love how it sets the tone of the the fact he is the one anchor that helps her get through the war like this. Beautifully done!


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