today was a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg day but it was enjoyable i bought 2 pairs of jeans, and this sick ass polo maybe karen is right, time to try different things.
leslie and finch had great desserts, i kinda want to go back. that will be the new place to go, screwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww midland and steeles. papaya with bird's nest, i shall conquer you!
i have a full schedule in front of me this week, and thank god she's been keeping me company or else i wouldn't know what to do. on a complete side note, i think i found out osmething i wasn't supposed to know, but now i think i have absolutely no more doubt to keep you in my head and heart. :) you win some, you lose some! some people neverrr
thanks so much for everything. you picked me up from my low times, and i owe you everything. i'm so sorry i'm going to vancouver though :( soon ! i shall be back! you will probably never read this, as you don't even know i have livejournal, but it's nice to know that in your eyes, i am important. goals for vancouver: pick up random asian chicks
so i found a place to rent BESIDE my workplace (like 500m) and it's with a 25 year old UBC student and a 26 year old female australian bartender. i lied in my e-mail to them saying i was bad ass. LET"S SEE IF I CAN RENT WITH THEM =D