Superman For Sale, part 9

Jun 22, 2008 22:25

Sorry this took so long, but I had been really sick at the end of  last month and am now really just getting over it... So, I'm glad that I was finally able to post this..

Title: Superman for Sale
Author: D.M. Wyatt
Pairing: Clark/Other (implied), Clark/Lex
Rating: Mostly R, eventually NC-17
Warnings: Physical and Emotional TC, graphic descriptions of adult sexual content, BD/SM, future fic, post rift
Spoilers: None
Short summary of this chapter: Clark and Lex deal with the consequences of Lex's 'daydream.' (cover thanks to danceswithgary)

See the previous chapters here:

One | TwoThree | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight |


Lex sat down at his desk after his shower and thought about the excellent masturbatory experience he'd just had. It had been one of the best he could remember.  Then he had thought about it.


Astonishingly powerful, it clearly had been the best one he had ever had.  It had seemed so real...

He had a good imagination, but he had never had such a realistic fantasy about Clark before. Maybe him being so close the last few days gave the experience an extra element of realism.

He was sure that it had been the best fantasy sex he'd ever had.


In his whole life.

Maybe it's not surprising... Lex had been so full of desire for Clark that after sleeping cuddled with him last night, and then seeing him walk into the closet naked, his hair and skin glistening with beads of water. Lex just couldn't stop thinking about the sex god that had moved in with him.

He couldn't stop lusting after Clark...

Lex had thought of Clark, his golden skin so smooth and velvety soft and his gorgeous blue-green eyes that darkened with desire so fetchingly, and he couldn't stand it another minute. He had told Mercy to not disturb him and had taken care of business while imaging perfection under his lips and fingers and in his mouth. Afterwards, he had felt far more relaxed than he could remember feeling in a long time.

The odd thing was when he was at the height of it, he could have sworn he'd tasted, and even swallowed, Clark's come. It was sweeter than human with a hint of musk.  He wondered at that. He didn't know how he could imagine such a singular taste, but he sucked his teeth thoughtfully and could still taste it.

How extraordinary.

It hadn't been just his imagination.

How amazing.

He didn't question how it had happened, something to do with the magic spell no doubt, but he was glad because he doubted he'd ever get to taste the real thing.

Despite how exhausted he'd felt afterwards, he didn't mind it since he had felt tired in a pleasant way. He felt so relaxed and happy, flush with love and sated desire. He should always feel this good while at work. He allowed himself a contented hint of a smile as he checked his email.

Not seeing anything urgent, Lex punched the intercom button. "Mercy? Any messages while I was unavailable?"

"Yes, I'll bring them in a minute, but...." Her voice uncharacteristically trailed off with a hint of uncertainty.

Lex was annoyed. Her anxiety was a buzz kill. "But what, Mercy? I don't pay you outrageous sums to hide things from me." His let more of his anger color his speech, "Tell me what brought out that 'but'."

Mercy, seemingly a bit rattled, cleared her throat. "Well, Kent had just called and he sounded a bit..." She didn't finish her sentence and apparently forgot she was still on speaker. Lex heard her address someone and her voice turned icy, "Yes, may I help you?"

"I want to see Luthor."

It was Clark and he sounded pissed.

"He's not currently available."

Lex blanched in spite of himself and stayed as quiet as he could, he looked over at the monitor of the reception area outside his office. If looks could kill, well at least not ones not combined with heat vision, Mercy would have dropped dead on the spot.

Oddly, Clark's off-the-rack suit looked more rumpled than was normal and his hair was a mess of curls and looked damp. His glasses were even slightly askew and his tie was more crooked than normal. He thought this messier-than-normal Clark was adorable, even though he looked as furious as his voice sounded.

Lex swallowed nervously, and knew he should probably go out and intervene. He should probably try to save Mercy from the irate Superman, but he wanted to watch to see what happened. However, he didn't want Clark to know he was listening in, so he softly hit the mute button. He paled further as Clark continued.

"I know he's here."   Clark's voice dropped to a hoarse whisper and yet was louder because he got closer to the speaker phone as he leaned in, getting in Mercy's personal space. "He's put lead in the walls, doors and windows, so I can't see him, but I can hear his heartbeat easily from here. I know he's just sitting at his desk listening to us, I heard the echo of him breathing through the speakerphone before he hit the mute button." Lex felt his stomach drop to the floor as Clark stood up straight and crossed his arms. It was oddly disquieting seeing Clark make such a Superman-like pose while in his civilian guise. "Will you let me in to see him or not?"

"He asked to not be disturbed..."

Clark's voice was bitter, "Really? He doesn't want to be disturbed? So why is it okay for him to disturb me?"

Lex was perplexed by that, how could he could have disturbed Clark? However, he didn't have a chance to figure out what it was that Clark was talking about before the furious man burst through the door, with Mercy on his heels.   His wild hair only added to his madman appearance. In person, it he could see that his fly zipper was broken and that there was a hint of red from his uniform trunks peeking through the gap... It was oddly sexy.

Clark's growl brought him out of his lustful reverie, "What the hell did you think you were you doing, Luthor?"

He had no idea what Clark was so upset about, but he wasn't going to let him get under his skin. Lex tried to keep his cool, even though facing an enraged Superman wouldn't make that easy. The most worrisome thing was that his eyes gleamed red, like Clark was barely holding back the urge to incinerate Lex.

He managed to blandly ask, "Is there something wrong? I'm sure I haven't picked anyone's pocket today, nor have I performed unethical experiments on any meteor freaks."

Clark paled and then his hands tightened into fists at his sides. "You've been playing games with me long enough, Luthor. You must stop or I will make it stop for you."

Lex's eyes narrowed and his jaw set as he glared at Clark. "Are you actually threatening me, Clark? You need to explain this, since I have no earthly clue what I've done that set you off."

Clark's look turned skeptical and he crossed his arms, arching a brow and giving Lex the coldest look he could. "Don't you?"

Lex was mystified. "I was just sitting in here working and minding my own business.  So, no, I don't know."

"Tell me the truth, Luthor. Weren't you just thinking about me?  I heard you call my name."

Perplexed how him 'thinking' about Clark would have made him angry, Lex lied, badly as he straightened his coat. "Did I?"

Clark's eyes narrowed and he got several steps closer. "I know you were thinking about me, which is bad enough. However, I'm angry because you've again broken the rule about no sex. I'm not going to let you get away with it this time. You will have to let me go."

Lex was astounded. "How could I have broken that rule here?  I wasn't anywhere near you. You're imaging things, Clark."

"You broke the rule and it wasn't me that was doing the imagining."

Lex didn't answer at first. He frowned as he finally had a hint of what Clark was angry about.

Imagining things... How did he know about that?

Lex's found that his voice had lost some strength and he sounded almost unsure. "What are you talking about, Clark?"

"Did you think about me at all in the last ten minutes? Don't lie this time."

Lex straightened his tie and looked the humongous man up and down. He again noted the damp hair, damp clothes, the ripped zipper... The ripped zipper. He was shocked at the implications and hoped he was hiding it well.

"I know you had been thinking about me... I heard you speak my name." He held up two fingers as if to demonstrate. "Twice."

Lex tried to act conversational about it, but he didn't think that he was all that successful. "Well, so what? Yes, I did have a little daydream about you, that's all... I don't see what's wrong with just 'thinking about you.' It's not like that's sex anymore than cuddling is."

If he'd thought Clark's eyes were close to setting his chair on fire before, he hadn't yet seen Clark that furious. Clark's glare, and he thought that it couldn't get any worse, got positively murderous.

The other, bigger, taller man's voice dropped probably an octave and his face turned as hard as Lex had ever seen it. His voice's calm tone belied the fury in his face. "Where was the stone when you had this 'little day dream' about me?" Clark walked around the desk and leaned over Lex, his eyes flared red and he looked even more enormous. "Where exactly was the witch's stone when you had that remarkably detailed, and extremely graphic, 'daydream' with me as the star?"

Finally understanding, Lex flushed in shame. He looked uneasily at Clark as he reached into his pocket for the stone.  He replied quietly as he held it out for Clark to see. "It was in my pocket."

Clark didn't look surprised at all. He merely nodded in grim understanding. "You broke the rule of no sex and that means I'm done with playing whatever game it is you think that you're playing. You need to let me go. Now."

Lex's jaw clenched as he tried to recover at least part of the huge amounts of ground he was in danger of losing. "I made a mistake that I won't make again, but that doesn't break our agreement. It was accidental."

"This was no accident, maybe you didn't realize I would feel it, but you did that just the day after I cuddled with you in my sleep..."

There was a slight gasp and Lex's eyes flicked to see Mercy, her eyes had gone wide. Lex had forgotten she was in the room.

Lex scowled at her. "That's enough, Mercy. I'll call you if I need anything."

"But sir...."

Lex's voice was ice cold, "But nothing, Mercy. Get out."

After she paled and hurriedly left, Lex's eyes went back to Clark, who had blushed. He swallowed and straightened his tie.

Clark cleared his throat. "The fact remains that you seem to have engineered the whole situation because you want me in your bed, not to... What did you say? So we could become friends again?" He shook his head and sighed heavily. "My continued presence in your bed is only going to encourage more 'daydreams.'  I can't go through that again, Lex. I won't."

Lex grimaced regretfully.  "Where were you?"

"I was in a press-conference with reporters and photographers from every major paper and TV station in this part of the country. I had to leave in the middle of the mayor's comments. I embarrassed myself and the paper in front of the most powerful politician in the city to go hide in the men's room until..." He blushed again and cleared his throat, "... until it was over."

"How'd you get wet?"

Clark blushed and mumbled his reply, "I kicked the toilet...."

Lex raised his eyebrows in surprise. Clark rarely lost control. He must have been completely engulfed into Lex's fantasy...

How extraordinary.

He cleared his throat, "I don't think this negates our agreement, Clark. You never said anything about not daydreaming about each other."

"That wasn't just a daydream, Lex, it must have been a very graphic fantasy. The stone, the tie between us... It made it was just like it was real. I could feel everything you had apparently imagined doing to me."

Lex tried to sound distant and cool, but he completely couldn't hide his amazement. "You felt everything?"

Clark clearly wasn't amazed, or amused. "Everything. I don't want to ever go through that again. I couldn't do anything to stop it, couldn't think, couldn't concentrate enough to use any of my abilities." Clark grimaced, "You can't do that to me again, Lex. I won't let you. You need to figure out how to break that spell and let me go."

Clark getting so turned on by Lex that he had to rush to the bathroom to jack-off, ripping his zipper and breaking the plumbing in the process, was like a dream come true. He tried very hard to be sincere, but he wasn't sure he made it sound believable. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Clark. It wasn't my intention."

Superman growled, angry at the lie. "Liar. You are not sorry." His face apparently went through several different emotions, but so many in such a short space of time that Lex wasn't sure what it was that Clark was thinking. "I want out of this deal now. I'm done, Lex."

Lex sighed. He had been so close and now Clark was getting further away from him, instead of closer. He couldn't let Clark out of the agreement only a few days into it.

"No, I won't let you go. I'm going to hold you to our deal. However I am willing to rethink the sleeping arrangements like you'd asked this morning. Yet, I don't think I can get the changes to guest bedroom finished by tonight. It'll take at least a day."

"I'll sleep on the couch until it is."

Lex sighed, but nodded. "Okay. I'll arrange it."

Clark scowled in his skepticism. "You're making this too easy."

Lex was annoyed. "You got what you wanted. Why are you going to question it?"

Clark didn't respond except to glower at Lex before he left.


Clark hadn't felt up to going back to work.   After buying a new cell phone, he had called Perry to beg off working because he still 'felt sick.' After going back to the penthouse, he changed out of his ruined pants and damp clothes and had spent the rest of the day "working" from his desk while he wore an old t-shirt and an extremely faded pair of sweat pants.

Via email, he quickly helped Lois finish the article on the Mayor's press conference. To be honest, Lois actually wrote most of it, and then tried to run down some leads for new stories. He ran out of sources he could call or research he could do online, so in the early afternoon he went off to find convenient damsels in distress to rescue, but again he had trudge back to the apartment oddly troubled by not finding anyone he could help. He stopped a few pickpockets and rescued a kitten from a tree top for a desperate 5 year-old, but no major tragedies had needed to be averted.

After changing back into his sweats and t-shirt, he sighed as he rode up in the elevator to the penthouse. He ambled into the apartment just as Lex walked into the dining room for dinner, at a few minutes before 7pm. Lex looked up at him with an arched eyebrow, but Clark only scowled in return.

They ate the excellent meal in silence as Mrs. O'Hara cast worried looks their way as she served them coffee and desert.

After dinner, Clark retreated to the guest bedroom and tried to again to work. However, he was distracted and couldn't concentrate.

He leaned back and looked toward where he knew Lex was sitting in his office. He couldn’t see him because of the lead in the walls, but he could hear him. Hear his breathing, his heartbeat.

Clark sighed. He wanted Lex, really wanted him. The non-sex in the bathroom was probably the best sex he'd ever had and he'd been sitting alone on the cold tile floor of a City Hall men's room at the time.  He wondered how much better the real thing would be if the magically-imbued-virtual sex was that good.

He shook his head and sighed heavily as he stretched. He felt tired, but it wasn't a physical sensation.

Clark rarely felt physically tired, but the mental stresses of the day often made sleep welcome. It was still early, not even ten o'clock yet, but he decided he needed to get some rest.   He was just worn out.

His clothes had been moved into the guest bedroom's closet, but there still wasn't a bed. Someone had rearranged the desk, putting it closer to the sliding glass door out to the small patio, so that there was more space in the middle of the room to put a bed once Lex moved one in there. There was plenty of room for both a bed and his office furniture. The room wasn't that small. Lex hadn't needed to move the bed out. He had contrived the whole situation to get Clark into his bed. He felt used.

He sighed and opened up the top drawer of the dresser, expecting to find his boxers mixed in with the silk pajamas and was surprised to instead find his old Smallville High t-shirts and all of his warm, comfortable plaid flannel sleep pants.

Clark wasn't sure what to think, or how to feel, about that.

Part of him was grateful Lex might finally be seeing reason, but part of him was annoyed that Lex had forced him into this position to begin with. The deal he'd made in good faith hadn't been made in good faith on Lex's side. That much had since been made quite clear. He was trying to manipulate Clark into unwanted intimacy.

Clark thought about that...

Was it unwanted? Really and sincerely unwanted?

Had Lex been right? Did his subconscious know more about what he wanted than he did?

He sighed again. He undressed and changed into his warm, soft flannel sleep pants and a worn Smallville High t-shirt making him feel more normal than he had since he'd come to stay here.

Out of long habit, he grabbed his glasses and, barefoot, he padded out into the living room where Lex had earlier placed out a pillow, sheets and a blanket. Not that Clark really needed any of them, he could probably sleep in the bathtub as comfortably as anywhere else, but despite himself he had appreciated the gesture.

He placed the glassed on the coffee table and laid out the sheets and blanket on the couch. He didn't turn around when he heard Lex enter the room behind him.

"You going to sleep early?"

Clark nodded as he stood there and silently willed Lex to leave the room.

"You tired?"

"I've had a long day."

"Don't let me stop you." Lex crossed over to the bar and poured himself a drink.

Clark turned to glare at him. "What are you doing? I don't want to sleep with an audience."

He swept his hand in the general direction of the master bedroom. "You know where the bed is, Clark."

"The only reason I haven't picked up this sofa and moved it into the other room is because the door isn't wide enough."

"Why aren't you sleeping in the bathtub then?"

Clark was so frustrated that he wanted to hit something, but managed to restrain himself to only growling at the other man. "Lex, you need to leave right now!" He pointed toward the guest bedroom, "Or I'll move this couch into that bedroom even if I have to knock down a wall down to do it!"

Lex held up his hands in surrender.  "Fine. Have it your way. You know where I'll be." He picked up the drink and, thinking about it for a second, also picked up the bottle, before heading back toward his office. Lex paused and looked at Clark over his shoulder.  He was playing calm and cool, but Clark wasn't fooled. His heart rate was up and his face was flushed. Clark wasn't sure what Lex was feeling, but he knew his casual tone was masking something else. "I'll keep the bed warm for you if you change your mind." Lex turned off the light and then left the room.

He growled again at Lex's retreating figure and he flopped down on the couch, angry and frustrated.  He again sighed heavily and found himself staring at the ceiling, no longer quite as sleepy. He rolled over onto his side as he, without even thinking about doing it, listened to Lex's heartbeat.

The rate had slowed from before as he heard Lex take a huge draw on the full glass of scotch.   The other man sighed and Clark was confused at why he listened. The man had manipulated and used him, forced him to suffer through his fantasies thanks to a magic stone, yet he couldn't seem to stop himself.

The exhaustion he had felt earlier had reasserted itself and his eyes drooped. He fell asleep as he listened to the steady, and somehow comforting, sound of Lex's heartbeat.


Lex slowly drank himself into a stupor as he watched Clark sleep on the monitor.

Damn you, Clark, he thought.

He poured more scotch into his glass and gulped the smoky liquor.   He was confused why Clark couldn't see how much desire he had for Lex...  Was the man delusional? He had clearly been more than turned on by Lex's fantasy. Yes, Lex admitted that it had become more real than he ever could have expected, but why did Clark deny how it had affected him?

It had taken Clark a long time to fall asleep for a man who'd claimed to be tired and Lex figured he was the reason why. However, the other man would apparently never admit to it.

It's because he's obviously disgusted at the very thought of entering into any kind of relationship with Lex. He had tried very hard to squirm out of Lex's manipulations of the situation.

Lex mentally kicked himself that his moment of weakness caused him to come so close to losing Clark's cooperation.   If he fought the magical restraints, Lex wasn't sure if he could have kept Superman where he didn't want to be. Largely, Lex depended on Clark's stubbornness to always to do the right thing to keep him to the bargain they'd struck. Lex had broken the intent of the agreement more than once. It would only be a matter of time before Clark couldn't take anymore and bolted, agreement or no agreement.

He sighed and took another gulp from his glass, draining it. He lifted the bottle to pour more, but all that came out was a trickle. He'd finished the bottle.

He slammed the bottle down in disgust. He didn't have more in the office. He looked sadly at the sleeping man on the monitor. He doubted that he could go back into the living room to get more without waking up Clark and he refused to give Superman the satisfaction of seeing him drunk. However, it was probably just as well.

Lex looked out of the window.  Maybe it was late, it seemed late. The sky outside was so dark.

He had trouble focusing on his watch, but when he did Lex was shocked at the time. He'd spent the last four hours watching Clark sleep while slowly getting hammered.

It was very clear to Lex, even in his drunken state, that he had it bad for the other man. Yet, Clark was getting further and further away from him the longer he stayed there. Maybe he should just let him go. There's clearly no hope. He didn't want to end up being the pathetic one, trying to make a relationship out of what clearly wasn't one.

He smiled at the irony. The fact that he'd gotten in this state watching another man sleep made him already more pathetic than anyone with as much money as he had ever should be.

Depressed, Lex got up heavily. He managed to walk more or less steadily without falling flat on his face, but it was a close thing. He pulled off his coat and tried to remove his tie as he went down the hallway into the bedroom. Lex blacked out before he collapsed into the bed still mostly dressed.


Clark woke when he felt someone shaking his shoulder. He was confused at first where he was, but seeing the person made him become suddenly embarrassed. It was Mrs. O'Hara.

He looked up at her, confused. "Mrs. O'Hara?"

She had a confused look of concern on her face. "Oh, Mr. Kent... did yourself have a falling out with Mr. Luthor?"

He pulled up the covers and sat up. "You might say that..." Clark grabbed his glasses from where he'd left them on the coffee table and, hoping he looked myopic to Mrs. O'Hara, looked at the clock on the fireplace mantle. It was only 5 am. "Its early, is something wrong?"

She gasped, as if she'd forgotten why she had woken Clark. "Oh, yes, of course. Begging your pardon, Mr. Kent. Mr. Luthor I'm thinking desperately needs medical attention."

Clark's chest tightened as got up and walked to the end of the hallway. He looked toward Lex's bedroom door, which stood open and his jacket was on the floor, turned half inside-out. He ran as quickly as he thought was humanly possible into Lex's bedroom, followed by a frantic Mrs. O'Hara, who moved as fast as her chubby legs could carry her. Lex was sprawled across the end of the bed with his shirt half off and Mrs. O'Hara was distraught.

"I've never seen him like this."

Clark concentrated and x-rayed Lex and there was absolutely nothing wrong. He approached out of concern, worried what he might find, but Lex started to snore.

He sighed in relief because it was then that he also smelled the scotch. "Its okay, Mrs. O'Hara. He's just drunk."

She couldn't believe it. "Drunk?  Impossible, I've never seen Mr. Luthor drunk once all the years I've worked for him."

"He's like anyone else, Mrs. O'Hara. If he drinks too much, he'll get drunk."

"Oh, the poor dear.   I shouldn’t be surprised. He must be feeling awful about your argument, Mr. Kent. He's been the happiest I've ever seen him the last few days up until last evenin'..." She moved toward the bed, seemingly to help undress Lex, but Clark stopped her with an upheld hand.

"I'll see to Lex, Mrs. O'Hara." Clark gently pulled Lex up onto the bed, trying to act like it wasn't easy for Mrs. O'Hara's benefit. He rolled the other man onto his back and pulled off his tie. He started to unbutton his shirt and was distracted, but then he thought about what she'd said.   He turned back to look at her. "You're sure he'd been happy the last few days?"

"Yes, lad. I don't know why he never thought of inviting you over before, Mr. Kent. He's been so happy since you came to stay.  I actually heard himself humming a right happy tune after you left yesterday morn..." She nodded at him knowingly. "And believe you me, the lad never hums." She shook her head sadly. "You've made him so happy. I hope you boys can kiss and make up."

"Kiss and make up?"  He was shocked and didn't try to hide it.  "What makes you think we'd need to kiss to make up?" Clark waved a hand in between the two of them, "Me and Lex? We're not dating..."

She actually clucked. "Oh, come now, Mr. Kent. I may come from the old sod and be aged enough to be your mum, but that doesn't mean I don't realize how things work... I know lovers who've had a spat when I see 'em."

"We're not dating. I promise you."

She laughed, actually laughed. "Now, you must think me awfully gullible, Mr. Kent. I know what I've seen. You two sharing the same bed? Mr. Luthor making sure I make your favorites for every meal. Himself being so happy? Then last night the two of you glaring at each other with such black looks. Now yourself sleepin' on the couch? Himself getting sloshed?" She patted his arm indulgently. "You two kiss and make up and it'll make the world right again.   You'll see." She pointed to Lex on the bed.  "You help him clean up a bit, while I'll put on some coffee so it's hot for when the silly love-sick lad finally comes 'round."

Clark sighed heavily as Mrs. O'Hara walked out of the room. He pulled off Lex's shirt, which only interrupted Lex's snoring only for a second as he groaned without waking up.

Clark had to admit that Lex was adorable. He looked younger with his mouth slack in his inebriated state. He pulled off Lex's shoes and socks and then unbuckled his belt. He unbuttoned Lex's pants and was surprised to only see skin on his lower abdomen where he'd expected there to be underwear.

His face flushed a brilliant red, he could feel the heat of it go straight up to his hair line and spread across his chest.

Lex went commando.

Clark gulped and contemplated just leaving Lex in his pants. He didn't want to intrude, invade Lex's privacy, see more than he'd really planned on seeing, but there was something just wrong about putting the man to bed clothed in just his suit pants.

He put it off a few moments by going to retrieve Lex's pajamas. Lex's clothes had been moved into cheap wire racks on one side of the bedroom, the closet work apparently having already begun. The door had been removed to ease the movement of supplies, equipment and workers. A poly sheet hung in the space where the door to the closet normally went and more had been laid out on the carpet. The plastic would keep the saw dust from clogging the air and soiling the carpet as the workers came and went.

Clark lifted the sheeting and peeked into the closet. The workers had put up the framework of the new cabinets, but the facing hadn't been put in yet. Although the work hadn't been finished, Clark could see the new design was superior over the older one. It was more efficient and made even better use of the humongous closet so that storage capability was maximized. His knowledge of woodworking gained through growing up on a farm gave Clark an appreciation of carpentry that was well done. He was impressed with the quality of the design and the speed of how fast they'd progressed.

He looked at the side of the closet that would have been his and scowled when he saw the roughed in shape of the promised secret compartment.   With a glance he realized just how perfect it would be... there was a shelf on the floor for his boots and it promised plenty of space for his suits.

Clark glanced over at his shoulder at the still snoring Lex. He shook his head, torn whether to feel frustrated or touched that Lex had that much hope for Clark staying here long enough to need a secret compartment in the closet.

He sighed heavily and got Lex's pajamas from the shelf.

When he got back to the bed he found Lex sprawled over the bed. He was snoring more loudly than before, his mouth slack. Clark really hoped he wouldn't wake up while he changed him into his pajamas.

He reached over to Lex's waist and hesitated. He really didn't want to do this, but took a deep breath and added some speed and quickly got Lex naked. He tried to avoid looking, but his eyes were drawn to Lex's nether region when he was pulling up his pajama bottoms. Despite the absence of the magic fingers that arose from Lex's lust for him, he found himself struck with a profound desire to do more than just look.

The man was completely hairless, except for his eyebrows and eyelashes. Lex's lack of hair made his smooth, silky skin look like fine porcelain. His torso was well-defined, Lex has obviously kept himself in good shape, so the lack of hair didn't make him look young or childlike. Instead, it made him look more like a sculpture, a piece of art... Clark had to resist the urge to touch before he finished pulling the bottoms up fully.   He managed to get the top on and started to button it before the drunken billionaire woke. His eyes were glassy and out of focus.

Lex wasn't quite sober and slurred his words. "You change your min'?"

"No, you got drunk and I helped get you into bed." He finished buttoning up Lex's pajama top and then pulled the covers up to Lex's chest. "Mrs. O'Hara found your jacket out in the hallway and then found you half dressed on the bed. She was worried about you." He looked at Lex with concern, "Would you like a glass of water?"

"No, jus' more scotch..."

"I don't think that's a good idea... Just go back to sleep."

"Not sleepy... Stay?"

Clark couldn't withhold the snort. "Stay? I'm not going to stay, Lex. I have to get ready for work." He turned to leave, but Lex started to get out of bed. Clark held him easily with one hand on his shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Gotta work too..."

"You can't go to work, Lex. Not now, not anytime soon."

The other man looked up at him, bewildered. "You're going..."

Clark shook his head. Lex was being stubborn and tried to stand, but wobbled and fell back onto the bed. "You can't stand much less string together a complete sentence, how could you possibly work?"

He looked up sadly at Clark. "Oh..." Lex leaned back into the pillows and grimaced, putting his hand to his head.  "Yeah... prolly not a good idea..."

"Do you have a headache?"

Lex nodded and replied softly, "Yeah."

"I'll get you some water and some Advil." Clark went into the bathroom and rooted through the medicine cabinet until he found what he needed. He ran the cold water to make it as cold as possible and then filled a glass.   He went back out to the bedroom and had to shake Lex awake. He looked up at him confused.

"Lex, can you sit up a bit so you can drink?" Lex nodded and did, but he closed his eyes in an apparent wave of nausea.

"Here... hold out your hand." Lex complied and Clark shook a couple of pills out of the bottle onto his palm. Lex popped them into his mouth and took the glass from Clark's hand.

He swallowed, but grimaced. "No ice water?"

Clark, mildly annoyed, scowled as he took the glass back. He turned his head away from Lex so he wouldn't make him cold and gently blew on the glass. He handed it back and the glass sparkled with frost. "Better?"

Lex took a sip, amazed. "Yeah..." He sipped again and put the glass down.   He leaned back down on the pillows, nearly about to fall asleep. He groaned. "Drank too much."

"Why did you?"

Lex just opened his eyes and looked sadly at him. He shrugged as his only answer.

Clark sighed. "You drink, Lex, but normally you don't get drunk. This isn't like you, as Mrs. O'Hara had said.  Why'd you do it?"

Lex slurred his response. "Don'tcha know?"

Clark was perplexed. "No, I don't know."

Lex shook his head sadly and rolled over onto his side. He closed his eyes and sighed. "S'no use..." Lex actually had tears well up. "Nomatter wha', you hate me."

Clark replied softly, "I don't hate you Lex. I could never hate you..."

Lex mumbled, barely awake, "But you won' ever love me."

He didn’t have anything to say to that. Clark just looked at Lex as the other man mumbled, "I love you," before he drifted off to sleep.

Clark just sat there for several minutes, stunned.

Love? How could it be love? Lex lusted for him, that much he knew, he'd felt the proof of that lust on the bathroom floor just the day before.

How could it be love?

Lex had manipulated to get him into his bed and had toyed with him as Superman for so long. In what universe does that equal love?

Confused, he watched Lex sleep for several minutes, but sighed heavily when he glanced over at the clock and saw the time. He had to get ready for work. He pulled the covers up over Lex and he couldn't help but look affectionately at the sleeping man.

He had to resist a strong urge to gently caress his cheek, so smooth and perfect, or kiss Lex's forehead, but Clark held back.

He managed to avoid touching Lex again before he got up and walked out the door, but it was a very close thing.


Continued here...

fic, superman, supes for sale, clex

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