Superman For Sale, part 4

Jan 13, 2007 15:48

Title: Superman for Sale
Author: D.M. Wyatt
Pairing: Clark/Other (implied), Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Physical and Emotional TC, graphic descriptions of adult sexual content, BD/SM, future fic, post rift
Spoilers: None
Short summary:  The witch performs her magic to transfer power over Clark to Lex.

Part 4 of about 15...

What came before....

First Part, Second Part, Third Part.

Again, this borrows heavily from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books, which have been turned into a TV show starting a week from Sunday, which had failed miserably and was cancelled before the final episode was shown, actually.  The summoning circle use is slightly different than in the books, but it works for this story....


Clark woke in pain and he knew that the witch had to be to blame.

The last thing he remembered was being under her spell and her commanding him to sleep in a sleazy motel bed. He looked around, he was still there in that room, but the air was alive with pain.

There were bands of colored light swirling around and above him and each pass they made over his body was like knives cutting into his flesh. Added to that, he could feel the acid burn of kryptonite touching his stomach and the feel of more of it in the room around him.

He knew he had to try to get up and get away, or at least push the kryptonite off of his stomach, but he couldn't move. All he could hear was the incessant chanting of the witch. She was performing some kind of spell.

Out of the corner of his eye, Clark could see a figure standing near the door to the room. It was Lex...


Despite the pain, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Lex. He didn't remember Lex being so... fascinating before.


Lex gasped when he saw the change in Clark's eyes when the other man saw him. He wasn't sure what to make of it.

Superman seemed to go through several facial expressions as he looked at him, ending on something that looked a lot like adoration, despite the pain the man was clearly suffering.

Lex frowned and the witch might have also shown some concern since she paused ever so slightly in her chanting. She glanced quickly at Lex before she continued her intonations as she looked back at Clark.


Clark continued to gaze at Lex, unsure why the man looked so much more handsome than he ever had.

He tried to shrug off the feeling, but couldn't despite his anger at Lex's deal with the woman. The billionaire must have bought him from the woman or he wouldn't be here, even though Clark never thought he would.

He couldn't stop looking, despite how much pain he was in and how angry he was. When Clark realized that he had become aroused looking at Lex, his anger faded when it was replaced by embarrassment as his face flushed. He wasn't sure why desire would rise up when he was in such torment, but he was grateful that someone had draped his cape over his body.  Lex must have brought it, it's the first time he'd seen it since the witch had him kidnapped. He hoped the voluminous folds of fabric helped hide the proof of his growing need.

The agony increased as the sound of woman's chanting got louder. Clark groaned with the pain, but still didn't take his eyes from Lex.

He was surprised he'd never noticed how beautifully trim Lex's figure was and how his slacks were perfectly cut to accentuate his slim hips...

The pain increased again as the witch's chanting rose in volume and urgency. Clark was pushed close to unconsciousness as the pain intensified and became centered on his chest. When she stood, Clark's eyes were finally drawn away from Lex's beautiful blue eyes to her outstretched hand. Light and sound swirled around Clark as the woman started to yell her incantations.

The small stone that she used to control Clark floated up from where it'd lain on his chest. The pain eased a bit when it left contact with his body, but the speed with which the magic forces were moving around him increased. He was buffeted by the painful torrents of magic as if he were inside a powerful storm.

As the speed and intensity of the magic increased, the whirlwind around him narrowed and seemed to focus on the stone that was now floating several feet above him. His eyes were drawn to it as the pain increased. He groaned again, but he doubted the people in the room would have heard him over sound of the magic, it had become so loud. The agony built as the magic intensified and he finally, mercifully, passed out.


Lex was surprised by the apparent arousal of his enemy. The cape didn't do that good a job hiding the powerful erection that Clark was suffering through.  The colorful lights from the magical storm swirling around Superman only partly hid the fact that Clark was in the midst of a full-body blush.  He frowned and looked at the witch, whose chants had become so loud she was yelling them.

Despite his arousal, Superman also appeared to have been in tortuous agony before he finally passed out.  Clark has an incredibly high pain threshold, one which Lex had himself pushed to its limits so he knew first hand how much pain Clark could withstand.

The agony the witch was putting him through must have been tremendous for it to affect him the way it had. The witch's magic must be amazingly strong. Lex was suddenly worried that such a powerful woman might not be easy to kill. An eyebrow arched as he considered that, but he decided he'd worry about that complication later.

As the chants the woman was yelling and the swirling magic together built into a crescendo of sound and light, the stone rose up higher as the colorful bands of magical power suddenly seemed to pour into it. Once the colorful waves of magic disappeared into the surface of the stone, she stopped chanting with a yell and the stone dropped back down to Clark's chest. Even though he was still unconscious, Clark's body shuddered with the impact and he moaned.

The woman took a deep breath and whispered a small word that Lex didn't recognize. She pointed at the stone and it floated back up and out of the circle toward Lex. It stopped and hung in the air just in front of him.

Unsure of what to do, Lex's eyes flicked back to the woman. She scowled at him, "Take it."

Lex grabbed it. The bloodstained stone felt warm to the touch and it made him feel lightheaded and dizzy. Clark moaned and his eyes fluttered, but he didn't wake. Lex scowled at the woman as she slowly walked over to him, the effort of the spells she'd woven having exhausted her.

She sighed heavily and, nodding in the direction of the stone Lex held, she said, "I'll have to show you how to use it before he wakes up."

"Will it be hard to do?"

"For you? I don't think so, it just takes concentration." The tiny woman crossed her arms in front of her chest, pushing up her breasts rather enticingly. "You just have to always keep in mind what you 'see' or 'feel' about what you want him to see or feel. If you can keep whatever it is you want clearly in your head, it's easy. For most, it is very hard to keep a particular image clearly in mind for long periods."

Lex understood. "Is that why you'd said that that I would find it more valuable than most people?"

"Yes, most people don't think that clearly so I'm surprised anything gets done at all, but not you... I can sense the order in your mind. It is as neat as you are, sleek, elegant even. Your mind is extremely disciplined. You should find it easy to keep a particular image in your mind as long as you need to. Imagining, for instance, a rope around his waist to keep him tied to you, or shards of glass cutting into his body to give him pain to control him. The moment the image fades in your mind, he stops feeling it and your control over him will weaken and eventually fail."

Lex pursed his lips and cocked his head toward the still out-cold Clark. "Although I can see how some things can work, a short rope to keep him near, but I doubt I could keep a particular image in mind twenty-four hours a day... How did you keep him from escaping while you slept?"

"I would imagine being very tired and then I would touch the stone. He can't easily fight the strong urge to sleep.  That worked better with him than any other man I'd tried that with, actually, which surprised me."

Lex nodded. "He likes to sleep and sleeps very soundly. Well, unless someone is in trouble that is." Lex sighed. "He's such a do-gooder."

She looked at Lex with a raised eyebrow. "You seem to be personally familiar with his sleeping habits...   Why is that?"

Lex's voice turned cold. "That is not something you need to concern yourself with."

She sighed and said, "He is still unconscious, but he will move into sleep before too much longer."

Lex looked at the woman with an arched eyebrow. "I'm not sure he'll wake with a refined kryptonite blade touching his body..."

She looked over. "Oh, right." She flicked her hand in the direction of the blade and softly spoke an incantation. The blade rose up and drifted over and hung in the air in front of the witch. She was about to grab it, but Lex got it first. She was about to protest indignantly but Lex held up his hand.

"I don't think you'll need this anymore..." He held out his hand for the sheath.

She scowled and handed him the lead lined sheath. She sighed and continued her thoughts. "Anyway, once you can wake him, the circles that I made imprison him and will give you a chance to try out different things. Then I will break the circles and you can take him home with you." She looked at Lex with a raised eyebrow, "Do you know what would you like to try first?"

Lex shrugged. "A tether to keep him close?"

"Okay, that should be easy to imagine. Simply clear your mind and then imagine a rope tied to him that you're holding... It can be any length."

Lex closed his eyes and cleared his mind. He imagined not a rope but a heavy purple silk cord securely tied to Clark's wrist. It was soft and pliable, but strong. He opened his eyes and looked to the witch, the image still in the background of his mind. He nodded.

"Okay, now make it shorter. Imagine tightening it."

Lex imagined it pulling on the cord and Clark's hand was pulled from where it laid on his stomach. Lex was surprised by that but he kept pulling. Clark's hand reached out toward Lex, but when he started to get pulled from the bed, and his hand hit the invisible wall formed by the magic circle, Lex stopped. Clark gasped in pain from the strain as his hand was pulled against the magic force field.

Lex looked over at the witch. She was smiling. "I would have tied the rope around his waist, but other than that, perfect."

Lex shrugged and let the cord lengthen in his mind. Clark's hand dropped down, his fingers hanging just above the floor, and he sighed softly. Lex thought that maybe he was now sleeping.

"I think you could try to wake him now and then you can try other things."


"Just imagine what it feels like when you first wake. The grogginess, the momentary confusion..."

Lex, still keeping the purple silk cord between him and Clark in his mind, thought about how it felt when he woke and stroked the stone again.

It took a few breaths and a flutter of Clark's lids, but the other man woke.  His eyes opened and he looked confused for a minute before he tried to sit up, obviously still in pain. He stopped when he felt the pull of the invisible cord tied to his wrist.

Clark pulled against it as he sat up and he glared at the witch. He was clearly furious as he stood up. Lex gulped. Clark was big, but now that he was incredibly angry, and in such a small room, he looked even more enormous and the look on his face was murderous, but then he noticed Lex standing there.

Clark at first look surprised to see him and the fury dissipated into something more like longing and desire.  Clark's expressive eyes shifted again back into anger as Clark's jaw set and he scowled at Lex as he fell to his knees, the kryptonite in the magical circle causing him pain.


Clark couldn't believe it. Lex not only paid the price the witch asked, he had somehow tied Clark to him too just like the witch had done, probably thanks to the small gray stone he could see in Lex's hand. Clark tested the magical tether and could tell it stretched toward Lex. His body shuddering from the pain of the kryptonite, he slowly stood up. Despite his growing anger, it was hard trying to ignore the strong desire he felt for his enemy.

He growled at Lex. "Luthor, I'm surprised you paid that witch's price."

Lex tried to calm his face, but he wasn't totally successful. Clark could tell he was scared, despite the coolness of his reply. "It was too good a deal to pass up, Superman. I've been trying to capture you for years."

Clark growled an inarticulate cry of fury and took a step toward Lex but he walked smack into something hard he couldn't see. It was so hard it hurt.

Perplexed, he tried to feel for the edges but it curved around him and the bed like an impenetrable steel wall. He glared at the witch, who smiled pleasantly at him.

"Feeling a bit trapped, Superman?"

"What have you done, witch?"

She sniffed in indignation. "Actually, I prefer wizardess. Witch has so many negative connotations..."  She pointed at the floor at Clark's feet. "That's a circle that I've designed to hold you in while I worked my magic. It also gives me the ability to keep you in one place while I show your new owner how to control you..."

Clark, furious, banged as hard as he could on the invisible barrier that held him in and it didn't budge. In his weakened state, it bruised his hands. He tested the entire limits of the circle around him, and it had no break. It felt like smooth column of cool metal surrounding him even though there was nothing but a shimmer to indicate the magical power that held him in. He scowled at the witch and gave a frustrated tug on the tether that held him to Lex.

The tether that held him was probably exactly like the one the wizardess had restrained him with at her house so Clark knew the invisible cord tied around his wrist would probably be inescapable like the other one. It was hard, but he resisted the urge to try flying up to see if there was a top to the magical column he found himself trapped in. He was weak enough from the kryptonite spread around him that there was no way he had the strength to succeed anyway.  He grimly stood with his arms crossed and glared at the pair as she smugly smiled back at him. Lex's look was harder to read.

She turned back to Lex. "You see, you have freedom to try out different things before I break the circle and release him. Maybe you should try some pain to see if you can force him to do your bidding."

Lex raised his eyebrows, perhaps intrigued, and replied thoughtfully. "What do you suggest?"

"I found imagining him being laid out on an exam table being dissected alive was the most effective."

Clark blanched then Lex gave an evil little chuckle. Clark tried to ignore how sexy Lex was when he was evil and clenched his jaw in what he hoped was a fierce scowl as he tried hard to ignore the pain.

Lex smiled and said in a very sexy growl. "No, I think I got a better idea." Lex's eyes narrowed and he touched the stone and Clark felt something like hands touch him. He blushed furiously as he felt the hands caress him intimately in between his legs. His cock immediately hardened.

Panicky about the obvious nature of his body's reaction, Clark tugged on his cape and pulled it around, holding it in front of his body. Grateful for how full the fabric was, he clutched it to his waist, hopefully hiding his growing erection. He looked up to see both of them smiling broadly at him.

She looked back at Lex, smiling knowingly at him. "I see that you were the perfect person to sell Superman to, Mr. Luthor. A very creative solution."

"There's more than one way to skin a cat, Wizardess De La Cruz..." Clark's blush deepened when he saw the leering smile on Lex's face as the man looked at him. "Avoiding embarrassing erections while wearing spandex I think should be a more effective incentive than pain. Am I right?"

Clark frowned, but didn't otherwise reply. Damn the sexy bastard. Lex was right. He would do whatever Lex demanded to avoid embarrassing himself. He was so hard, it almost hurt, as the invisible fingers caressing him kept up their work.

"And I don't think you're coming quietly with me will be a problem, will it Superman?"

Clark glumly shook his head and he pulled more of his cape into his fist.  "I'll..." His voice cracked so Clark cleared his throat and tried again, this time very quietly. "I'll come but can you make it stop please, Lex?" His blush deepened as he felt a final gentle caress and then the touches stopped.

The Wizardess walked toward Clark and broke the outside chalk circle with her foot. Clark felt the magic that had held him dissipate into the air.

He sighed in relief as Lex turned to leave and the woman knelt down to pick up the objects on the floor around the bed.

He followed at the end of his magical tether when Lex left. Outside, Lex nodded to Mercy, who still stood guard outside the room. "Make sure to pick up everything, the kryptonite included."

The wizardess protested from inside the room, "I spent a lot of time and money acquiring these."

"I just paid your price, Wizardess De La Cruz. I won't leave things in your control that give you power over my new possession. I think my money has given me that right."

She frowned and just left, brushing past Lex and Clark outside the room. Clark looked back at the stuff on the floor and recognized all of it. There were pages ripped from his reporter's notebook, a broken pair of glasses he'd last jammed into a drawer in his apartment, pictures of the farm, a campaign button of his mother's, and articles he'd written. He paled when he realized the level of personal violation this woman had performed on him.

Mercy quietly gathered up everything as Lex led Clark out to his car, a long stretch limo. She held the door open as Clark hesitated outside the car and Lex climbed into the back.

Clark looked up longingly at the sky, wishing he could fly away from here and the inexplicable desire he was still feeling for his old enemy. Weakened by the kryptonite in Mercy's possession, he would have had no chance of fighting the magical restraint. That, and a tug on the magical restraint, gave him no choice but to follow.


Continued here...

fic, superman, supes for sale, clex

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