Mike is Very Much Magic the 2nd Time Around

Jul 08, 2015 10:49

In case it isn't clear already, I don't write personal posts very often. And in case it's even less clear, I am going through...something. Call it a sexual re-awakening, if you must define it. But I'm not sure that's the right term because I was never really asleep. However, I did realize once I came off birth control for good after a 10-year stint ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

wise_old_crone July 11 2015, 09:07:35 UTC
Ah, the joys of nice boys ;-)

I've heard Matt Bomer sing a little... and my ovaries exploded just from that. Still don't get the appeal of the Ken-doll (isn't he missing an important part of his anatomy???) but thinking and movies don't go together. Great to hear this will be another feast for the eyes and ovaries :-D


dljensengirl88 July 13 2015, 15:26:18 UTC
Matt. Oh my, Matt. He was crooning with an R&B feel and oh yes. I see what you saw in him now. He sings twice and after that first little number, he lit up for me like the Griswold house at Christmas. Amazing man.


ficwriterjet July 11 2015, 14:19:39 UTC
I just saw it this weekend, and I have to say I agree with you 100%. I think I may have to see it again. :) It got me all hot and bothered and made me grin like an idiot, and I couldn't concentrate on work much the next day. LOL


dljensengirl88 July 13 2015, 15:48:47 UTC
I told my friend I decided we needed to go back and she quickly replied yes. Problem is there is a once-a-week dance class that I already missed out on when I went last Tuesday (Tuesday is $6 day at one particular theater.) and I'd hate to miss out again because this particular class may prove to be a lot of sexy fun. :-D So I may need to forgo the extra 2 or 3 dollars, maybe even just pay for my girlfriend too, and go another day because now that I've ditched my preconceived notions, I would love to ride that ride again even before it hits the DVD. And yes, it was killing me that I had no one at work to talk to about this the next day to help simmer down all the inner hyperactivity - which I think you just stirred back up. Thank you very much.


wise_old_crone July 14 2015, 12:06:10 UTC
Bahahaha. I can always recommend six very glorious seasons of White Collar to keep your ladyparts humming :-)

Not helping, I know ;-)


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