Mike is Very Much Magic the 2nd Time Around

Jul 08, 2015 10:49

In case it isn't clear already, I don't write personal posts very often. And in case it's even less clear, I am going through...something. Call it a sexual re-awakening, if you must define it. But I'm not sure that's the right term because I was never really asleep. However, I did realize once I came off birth control for good after a 10-year stint -- due to my fun pulmonary embolism last year -- that those tiny little pills DO affect the libido in a big way (or at least it did mine), putting you into kind of a waking coma; responsive but not nearly as much as I knew I was pre-kids and pre-BC. (Those pills didn't become my habit until after I had kid 2, thus kid 2, as wanted as she was.) Having kids didn't help the energy levels, I'm sure. I could let my job(s) and other activities become my life if I let them. His 2-job work schedule tends to hinder things as well, but it also adds to the joy when you don't see each other awake but a couple of times per week. Still, being extra-hormones free, in combination with me being over 40 means my husband now kinda has to watch his back.

Now if you are reading this and you are not over 40 yet, all I can say is be warned: No matter how much you think you can bounce off the walls now, I swear to you there has been a difference between 39 and 40. Or if that's not your issue, then take hope! I swear to you there has been a difference between 39 and 40! In my case, it was more like a difference between 43 and 44 when the pills finally went bye-bye.

And let's not talk about the injustice of it all that men peak so young while we are still climbing to this magical age - I'm just not sure what God was thinking there. But until He tells me, I feed this little rambunctious chick inside me as much as my morals will allow and a movie like MM2 is just what the sex therapist ordered.

I saw MM. I was kinda surprised by Channing Tatum since he had never turned my head before. I liked MM. And yeah, I'm was so paying attention to Channing after that. A man who can move - scratch that. A BIG man who can move like that is pure kryptonite. Ah, and then last night a couple of friends and I saw MM2. One of the girls was the one I saw 50 Shades with. The other was someone else. The three of us, with our somewhat similar taste in men, sat there laughing and bobbing to the salacious music, mesmerized by all. the freaking. beauty. There wasn't much of a plot to speak of and after I read some movie reviews last night when I got home, I saw that was the point. Plot? We don't need no stinkin' plot! We need beautiful boys on a life-changing road trip and if you can show me a whole new side to Michael Strahan while you're at it, all the better!

This is NOT like the first movie and maybe that will help you decide whether or not you want to see it. It is foreplay that expertly builds to a visual and auditory orgasm. Auditory because these boys were saying all the right things to women and about women to each other. And yes, I'm seriously considering going back to see it again. My friend is already ready to do it. It was like we were in that audience. It should have been a freaking IMAX 3D movie.

So there you have it. Another way to please a 40-something married woman who would never stray from her husband, but must must must find multiple ways to abate the appetite in between um, visits with the husband. There are other ways too. Maybe I'll talk about those some time, one day. Maybe.


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