Waking Sleeping Muses

Dec 29, 2015 20:59

As in "I really should be waking my muse, but I don't think mine is the only one." I've been busy and she's as much of a procrastinator as I am, so if I don't shake her awake, she keeps on sleeping while I'm working and doing other things. Mind you, she needs as much of a fix from our fandoms as I do. We're both about to dry up and blow away if the two current ongoing stories by other authors that I am reading don't get updated soon. It seems my muse isn't the only one emulating Rip Van Winkle. Few others are writing at the moment, but we need our Supernatural NOW (or Walking Dead or White Collar or, for the love of all that is holy, someone PLEASE write Ray Donovan! Alone. No crossover. Preferably featuring discipline of some kind).

But since my muse (her name is Deanna) is in a coma - again - I can't at least quench my own thirst by writing something, even if it's just for me. What would you call that anyway? Writing to please yourself? Would it be mastabatory manuscripting? Self-pleasurescripting? Whatever it is, sometimes it's not enough trying to please yourself. You need another party involved. But when that's hard to find, you need to suck it up and give it to yourself. No sense going without, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm still trying to convince myself of this so I can stop looking elsewhere for now.

Maybe tonight I'll just do a little freestyling and see what happens. As soon as I do just a little of the other work I need to do. Come on, I have bills to pay so I have to be responsible, right? But I'm itching over here! What's the literary equivalent of horny? That's me about now. So what am I going to do about it?


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