Tutorial (Assassin's Creed)

Jul 19, 2011 16:34

Title: Tutorial
Author: djsoliloquy
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed
Rating: PG-13, warnings for brief language and violence.
Characters/Pairing: Shaun and Rebecca, very subtle pairing if you so wish.
Summary: That time Shaun got in over his head and Rebecca saved his ass.

Notes: Inspired by a kink meme prompt for Shaun’s escape from Abstergo. See footnotes for ( Read more... )

fandom: assassin's creed, *fic

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Comments 11

pagerunner_j July 20 2011, 02:57:52 UTC
I just read all three fics you posted, and I think this one's my favorite. Really well done. :)


djsoliloquy July 20 2011, 03:18:46 UTC
I really like this one too :) Shaun's a lot of fun anyway, but his backstory is something I've wanted to take a swing at for a while now. Thank you very much!


t_lyrical July 21 2011, 21:17:10 UTC
As far as I'm concerned, this is canon. I loved what you did with Shaun here, mentally talking and being sarcastic with himself, and also Rebecca being competent and terrifically kickass. I love this so much. :D


djsoliloquy July 21 2011, 22:47:20 UTC
*bluuush* That's some high praise, and I'm so, so happy you consider this deserving of it. Both of them are wonderful, and it was a tons of fun to write, regardless. :)

and it sucks just starting in a fandom because I only remember who people are like days after thinking about it, but I, like, adore your fics and oh my god you read this? and the other? what *LOTS OF EMBARRASSED FLAILING*

can now cross you off my list of people to flail at lmao.


t_lyrical July 22 2011, 23:57:48 UTC
I think I can tell that it was fun to write-- it was really fun to read!

Ack, thank you so much! I am totally GLEEFUL that you have started this fandom in any case and, oh gosh. You know me? aksdhjfasld *LOTS OF EMBARRASSED FLAILING RIGHT BACK*


djsoliloquy July 23 2011, 19:00:42 UTC
lol subtle strikethroughs ftw Um, but yes! I'm not anyone special, but yes I do know you now! Haha, was actually fondly reminiscing on "Maintain this Distance" and "Tumble Dry" a few days ago, and it was something of an embarrassing OH WAIT HOLD UP moment realizing that lovely writer and the commenter in this thread was the same person. derp :p ANYWAY. Yes. Hello~ XD


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djsoliloquy July 31 2011, 01:32:55 UTC
Would a master fic list be helpful in finding things? Probably not for new ones, but I've been dragging my feet on making one for a while...

Thanks! I really like the idea that they were in contact (or at least Rebecca was with him) before they met. We know from the game Shaun's been snooping into Abstergo's business since he was a teenager, and that Rebecca's saved him a few times, but outside that who knows? Compared to what really happened, maybe this pales in comparison! quit holding out on us, Ubi. *grabby hands*


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