Tutorial (Assassin's Creed)

Jul 19, 2011 16:34

Title: Tutorial
Author: djsoliloquy
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed
Rating: PG-13, warnings for brief language and violence.
Characters/Pairing: Shaun and Rebecca, very subtle pairing if you so wish.
Summary: That time Shaun got in over his head and Rebecca saved his ass.

Notes: Inspired by a kink meme prompt for Shaun’s escape from Abstergo. See footnotes for ( Read more... )

fandom: assassin's creed, *fic

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t_lyrical July 21 2011, 21:17:10 UTC
As far as I'm concerned, this is canon. I loved what you did with Shaun here, mentally talking and being sarcastic with himself, and also Rebecca being competent and terrifically kickass. I love this so much. :D


djsoliloquy July 21 2011, 22:47:20 UTC
*bluuush* That's some high praise, and I'm so, so happy you consider this deserving of it. Both of them are wonderful, and it was a tons of fun to write, regardless. :)

and it sucks just starting in a fandom because I only remember who people are like days after thinking about it, but I, like, adore your fics and oh my god you read this? and the other? what *LOTS OF EMBARRASSED FLAILING*

can now cross you off my list of people to flail at lmao.


t_lyrical July 22 2011, 23:57:48 UTC
I think I can tell that it was fun to write-- it was really fun to read!

Ack, thank you so much! I am totally GLEEFUL that you have started this fandom in any case and, oh gosh. You know me? aksdhjfasld *LOTS OF EMBARRASSED FLAILING RIGHT BACK*


djsoliloquy July 23 2011, 19:00:42 UTC
lol subtle strikethroughs ftw Um, but yes! I'm not anyone special, but yes I do know you now! Haha, was actually fondly reminiscing on "Maintain this Distance" and "Tumble Dry" a few days ago, and it was something of an embarrassing OH WAIT HOLD UP moment realizing that lovely writer and the commenter in this thread was the same person. derp :p ANYWAY. Yes. Hello~ XD


t_lyrical July 28 2011, 06:35:58 UTC
oh man, sorry this reply is super late, but LJ is just being an all around BUTT when I try to reply (so I had this saved on Word for a couple of days, pffffft).

And argh, this is not even my writing journal, which makes me doubly shocked that you pegged me as a writer, but THANK YOU and HELLO. \o/



djsoliloquy July 28 2011, 22:37:57 UTC
Oh no dude, I feel your pain. My internet connection right now is hellishly slow, it takes forever to reply to anything. And I always do that saving comments on Word thing, haha.

Friends! I'm glad you did, 'cause I was totally going to ask. ♥ And I got your twitter add as well, though that will surely take another few hours to accept and I'm not on there too often anyway ._. Do you have a tumblr? Finally broke and got one (desultoryjester) and desperately need more fannish people to talk to alsdkfj;a


t_lyrical July 29 2011, 23:39:42 UTC
Ah! I do have a tumblr! It's 'tanyart' and I was looking through yours and the first thing I see is KORRA and then I clicked the follow button so hard I think I sprained something. *__*


djsoliloquy July 31 2011, 01:09:26 UTC
Omg yessss. It seriously needs to be next year already because there is a severe lack of Korra goodness in my life right now. A severe lack.


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