I have been thinking about some of my favorite memories of my life, and I have so many, I am going to start listing some every post. these are in no particular order, so please, enjoy my favorites
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So I saw the Rev. Run from Run-DMC part of some stupid ass Toby Keith concert with that old Lizard guy from Aerosmith. COME on dude, you were in Run-DMC, you recorded "Sucker M.C.'s. You are officially written out of my will
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so last night was crazySHIAT.. I went to my pal Crystal's hacineda and there was this little get together. There were these Two coke sluts that were quite H to the OE'S. They kept bumming smokes from me, So while im outside talking with them I came to find out they were only 16. What a way to ruin yer life, they sounded like they were pretty
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It seems to be a terrible Day, Howard stern got shut down. Truthfully, I have only Listened to Howard Stern twice. Yeah, I have watched the show on E! since I was 13, but yo, he ain't broadcast out on Utah radio waves
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Download the GRey album by jay-z and Dj Dangermouse. Dj dangermouse made all the beats and music from the Beatles white album. Needless to say it is quite innovative, plus it is free. Don't even need to pay for it.