Feb 28, 2004 14:29

so last night was crazySHIAT.. I went to my pal Crystal's hacineda and there was this little get together. There were these Two coke sluts that were quite H to the OE'S. They kept bumming smokes from me, So while im outside talking with them I came to find out they were only 16. What a way to ruin yer life, they sounded like they were pretty hard into the scene, too.

After that I watched These two dudes play one of the stupidest drinking game of all time. The game incorporated Twisted Sister's "I WANNA ROCK", so yeah, they already weren't striking points in my book. Anyways, how the game goes is that every time TS sang "rock" in the song you take a shot of beer. I can say PurePANDAMONIUM insued after the song started. Between the two participants shoveling shots down their face as fast as they could, and the massive rush of people to refill the set out cups, anyone could tell HEll was about to be raised. Halfway through the song one of the dude's, Steve, got an all blarthy face and RALPHED all the counter. It was the sickest shit i have ever seen, and I have seen some nasty blarth. MoFO had just eaten KEilbasa and BEan Burritos. Well, instead of stopping he kept drinking the shots set out. BAD IDEA, cause guesse what happened again, yup, more blarth.

NEedless to say after my experiences with that party, I decided it would be best to find a party where people my own age might be. So i went to Jay's. No one would be puking there.
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