You Lied to Me

Jun 09, 2012 22:44

You Lied To Me

For: onceuponaland challenge 32
Summary: She had been hearing I love yous for a week now, until one night, she heard him say to someone else…
Words: 1,245

someone else... )

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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Comments 5

josiefier June 10 2012, 02:55:37 UTC
I do love the angsty goodness of this one. ;)


dj_rocca June 10 2012, 03:09:12 UTC
*dusts hands* then my work here is done! XD
Seriously. Part of the challenge. This summary/title's category was angst.

I think it serves as a good intro for the fics to come where *gags*RB have been broken up ;)


josiefier June 10 2012, 03:13:58 UTC
And as we all know, there are fewer character break-ups I'm happier to see lol. :D


ahkna June 20 2012, 11:32:25 UTC
Ooh, I really like this. I like how you characterize Belle here. I'd love it if this was how she was on the show rather than just being an echo of Snow.


dj_rocca June 21 2012, 01:55:21 UTC
Thank you! Its what I wish we had in show. But no, they gave us an insult to Belle (and neglected Adam as much as Disney does. I mean, hello! He's no longer the Beast, he has himself back/end rant)

:) I'm just glad you took the time to read it :)


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